The Final Battle

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Pok stood by his nephews.

"So grown up now... So powerful..." He Thought mouthfully,"so much like you big brother... So much like you."

Spud and Tate looked at eachother and grinned

"Our powers Tate... They're active!"

"I know!"

"We can take him."


"CHARGE!!" The 3 roared as they charged and surrounded Lord Turnip.

Turnip's minions had fallen back, even his two swordsmen.

"Good." Lord Turnip thought." Ill fight dirty mwhehehehe."

Spud slashed diagonally and dived over Lord Turnip.

Lord Turnip blocked it with contempt.

Tate slashed and sliced in a blinding display of swordplay.

Lord Turnip blocked each slash with ease.

Pok drew his duel daggers and slashed and blocked frantically.

"Time to pull out the stoppers." Lord Turnip thought.

Lord Turnip summoned the image of the heroes father into his head.. Then projected it upon himself

"DAD!!!" Tate and Spud thought at the same time.

"No" Pok thought..."he's fighting dirty."

Pok knew about Turnip's powers

"I hoped he wouldn't ever use them..."

Tate and Spud stared at the figment of their father...

"I can't... Spud I can't attack."

Spud was the first to break free..."Tate that's not Dad.... It's Lord Turnip, he's trying to throw us off."

Just then Lord Turnip rushed at Spud.

"NOOOO" Pok roared as he dived in front taking the sword through his gut.

"Uncle Pok!" Tate and Spud roared in unison.

Lord Turnip looked at the broken body at his feet.

"Foolish old man, he broke my spell!"

Tate and Spud slashed, dived, kicked and sliced at Turnip, eventually Spud broke through wounding the Lord.

"It is over." Spud said

"Not YET" Lord Turnip yelled as he slashed, he missed Spud and slashed off Tate's legs... Both of them.

"Argh!" Tate yelled as he fell on his face.

"Tate!" Spud roared, "not another shall die by your hand TURNIP!!"

Potanna had just came back into consciences and she saw Tate laying out cold and bleeding.

"Tate oh sGod no!" She yelled as she started giving him first aid.... "Pok? Oh no not you too!"

Spud pulled his blade from between Lord Turnip's eyes...

"It is finished... It is done."

Lord Spud announced

"The war, is over."

A loud roar of approval rippled through the heroes ranks.

"Just then the power went out.



"A bit late, we needed that power out DURING the battle!"


*insert Spud Lightyear theme song here*

Book two will be started in one week, I need time to ponder it, it shall be called, The Legends of Spud, a prequel to this story told by Potanna, as an old women telling her grandchildren about these days.

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