Night Watch

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Lightyear and Potana sat at their post, Spud-Man had assigned them the Eastern sector today.... Apparently a large amount of cereal killers were attacking Edibles... "The number one rule of warfare" Spud thought," never attack unarmed civilians..."

Potana turned to Spud

"Sir.... What's that in the market square?"

Spud looked North and spotted the horde...

"Mostly Cheerios... Those disgusting creatures need to be removed... Pronto. Potana, you deal with them, it's a smaller crows then usual, you need the training."

Potana nodded in appreciation, "I've always hated these creatures.." She thought,"after all the damage they've done."

As Potana par cored over, Spud turned his attention South.

"Okay you blasted Turnip, I know you're there, come out into the light!"

The evil Lord Turnip smiled as he walked out of the darkness, he wasn't alone. His henchmen stood shoulder to shoulder in front of him, blocking an clear attacks.

"My my young Spud, I should've killed you 10 years ago!" He said ominously,"I'll kill you, then go capture that weak minded fool of a brother you have!"

"NEVER!!" Roared Spud as he drew his sword and readied his greaser,"you're going down!" Spud charged the turnips and slashed through 3 henchmen before they could react.

As he blocked and blasted away, he saw a shadow lurking from the corner of his eye.... "Whatda Pote?" He thought, "Who's that? No matter."

As he slashed the skull of the last turnip and turned to face the Lord, he heard Potana scream. As he turned to look, he saw just how mistaken he had been....

Thousands of Cheerios and Fruit Loop Z Heads were swarming her, she couldn't fight alone.... "But... Lord Turnip... This could be my only chance..." Then he came to a decision.

"Turnip you jackSpud, I'll avenge my parents another day. Spud glided off the roof and slammed into the horde.

As he slashed and cracked skulls, he watched Potana Fight, even injured and outnumbered, she never dropped her form.

"Good gal" Spud thought," she did learn from the best." He smiled as he slashed his way to her and they stood back to back.

"Spud", she huffed, "look."

As Lightyear looked over his shoulder, he saw the biggest demon he'd ever seen.

"I've... Never seen one before..."

"What is it?"

"It's... It's a Trix Monster"

"A what?"

It launches rainbows and rabbits at you, nothing deadly... Just colorful."

"Are you serious! Rabbits are extinct!"

"Demon rabbits Potte, Demons."

"Oh.... Crud"

Then, thank the slord the twin suns rose into the sky, the demons all turned and slunk into their disgusting holes, the Trix monster turned and dived into a large sewer opening that led into the sea.

"Great..."Spud thought,"Now we'll have to make a report... Maybe I should go solo... I hate reports."

Potana smiled

"Well.... Sidekicks don't write reports"

Spud turned and grinned, "unless I say you do that is."

Potana pales and limped back to the ship...

"HEY POTTE!" Spud yelled, "guess who's turn it is to write the report :)"

"Crud..." She mumbled.

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