Sweet Potatoes?

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Spud and Potana are waiting for an old friend who should be joining them....

"She should be here..."Spud said absently,"she's not one to be late."

"Im not you silly little sweet potato." A voice said from behind with a sly chuckle.

"SWEET POTATO!?!" Potana roared with laughter,"Sweet. Potato OH MY SGOD HAHAHA!!!"

"It's NOT funny!" Spud snapped, "hello to you too Switch."

Switch walked past Spud and turned around.

"Spudly Dudley hehehe"

"KNOCK IT OFF!!" Spud roared

"Hehehehehe got a problem young man" Switch said with mock seriousness,"Why so serious now? You wernt serious when you were the wittle Spud in kinde-"

"Shut up, we have a mission, are you coming or are or are you going to continue harassing me?"

"Oool big words"

"Shut up -_-"

Switch giggles and walks over to her speeder

"Come on Potanna, you can ride with me, I'll teach ya how to get on Spud's nerves."

"Awesome!" Potanna grinned,"Lets go!"

"Spam you Switch -_-" Spud Grunted as he jumped into his cockpit,"Dont go teaching my sidekick anything bad."

"Oh it can't be TO bad," Potanna laughed and added in a whisper as she passed "Spuddy Dudley."

Lightyear gives Potanna a glare but Potanna just laughs, "You've glared at me so many times as an apprentice Spud, myswell get revenge."

"Hhmmph, whatever, you two watch the Southeast sector, I'll take the Northeastern sector."

"Okay, hehe Spuddy."



"You're filling out the report after this."

"Ahhhh you're no fun!"

Spud started up his ship and headed to his assigned station.

"Something doesn't seem right... No Cocoa Puff Demons... No Cheerios.... Nothing... Wha-"

"Why helloooo young Spud"A happy voice yelled," Ready for round twwoooo hehehe."

"Oh sGod, freaking Lord Turnip, what do you want!?!"

"I want to show you something, something... You'll loooovvveee."

"Oh no... What could he possibly have," Spud thought..."could he-"

"BEHOLD" Turnip roared as several massive explosions blasted through the city.


"Tis tis tis young Spud," The psychotic Lord yelled, "It's time for some ACCCTIION in this CIITTYY."

"Whatsa spam is wrong with you? Why are you Talking like that?"

"Because you twerp, being around TRIX MONSTERS DO THAT TO YOU!"

"Wait wha-"

"13 massive Trix monsters popped out of the ground around them."

"What? No!"

All 13 start shooting rainbows and demonic bunnies at him.

"Blast it!" Spud cursed as he started slashing and greasing the demonic creatures.

"Back off JackSpuds!" Lightyear roared," Turnip, stop being a coward! Show yourself!"

"Oooolll feisty arntya? I see my Trix arnt stopping you, guards," Lord Turnip said to his 3 turnip bodyguards,"Kill him."

"Spud turned to face his new attackers... They wernt what he expected,"those... Are some big turnips 0_0"

"Hehe yes yes," Lord Turnip said with a smile, these are Demon Turnips, bred only from my best soldiers and the demonic souls of the most powerful demons!"

"Crud..." Spud thought.."Im going to need some help."

"Teeheeheehee Spuddy Dudley needs help!" A female voice rose from behind Lord Turnip.

"Whatda spam is tha-"

Turnip was cut off as Switch's speeder rammed into him shattering his armor.

"Spuddy! You need some help wittle buddy?"

"Switch,"Spud began,"For once, Im very glad to see you."

"Aaawww hurrtful... Spuddy buddy." Switch said feigning a look of pain. I'll help you even though you're a jerk hmph."

Potana hopped off the speeder and drew her swords, "Hey Lightyear," she said happily, do I get to fight?"

Switch grinned,"nope."

Switch pulled out a massive greaser cannot, it was at least the size of Spud himself.

"Whatda? Where'd you?"

"This my wittle Spud, this is my baby."

The largest Turnip demon's eyes widened as a massive blast shot through him. "Whatda thit?" Was his last thought as he exploded into rubbish, the other two looked at eachother.

"I'm out..."

"Me to..."


"Don't forget Boss-Man"

"Oh ya-"

The second giant fell to a second blast.

"Thit! Come on boss-man!"

The demon grabbed the unconscience lord and ran into the nearest sewer...

"Come Spud," Potanna said  you've had it rough, I'll do the report."

Spud smiled weakly, "I thought you already were."

Potanna smiled back at her master and friend,"don't push it, don't forget WHO'S bandaging you up Spuddy."

"Erm... Right, let's head back.... Thanks Switch, I owe you."

"Oh no need Spuddy Wuddy," Switch said,"and Potanna."


"Remember what I told ya?"

"Yes mam, I'll remember that."

"Remember what!" Spud exclaimed fearfully.

"Oh nothing sir," Potanna said with a grin," nothing at all."

"Oh no.." Spud thought, "another Switch... Ones bad enough."

        End of.... The Demon Turnips

"Sweet potatoes!" Potanna giggled as she bandaged up Spud,"oh my goo-"

"Shut up" Spud muttered... "OW"

"Remember Spud, WHO'S bandaging you up?"


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