Chapter 44

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Time stood still in a place so dark, light couldn't breach it. In the demon's dimension, The sun did not exist. The light emitting from Angelique's chest could barely protect her from the reaching claws and gnashing fangs in the thick oppressive darkness.

Her grip on reality started slipping. Hour after hour, they tormented her with the voices of her family, the ones she loved, the ones who kept the light burning. First, her mother and father blamed her for their death. Had they not thought of themselves and ended her life before it began, they could have lived longer.

She tried to discredit the lies. Her father loved her. They wanted her, even though they knew their time with her would end after five years. They said as much. They had dreams like every other couple. They wanted to get married, build their home, and start a family. The demons ended their dream, not her.

Ty's voice lacked the calming effect it always had on her. Michael, calling for her help, lacked his innocence. The demons tried to lure her out of the light by attacking one of their own, who looked like Jenny. She didn't fall for it. Jenny's eyes shone with an intelligence that they could not duplicate.

It went on and on, until she started doubting herself. Doubting she would ever see light again, feel the sun on her frozen skin, laugh with her siblings, bake a triple choc surprise cake for them, feel Logan's lips against hers.

"Let us in. You know it is what you want to do. With our help you can take revenge on all those wolves who denied your mother the help you needed to survive. You know there is no other way—"

"Annie, don't listen to them!" Michael shouted. "There is a way. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Don't you dare give up. You promised to be here for me. I need you, Annie. Come back to me."

That sounded more like Michael. Could he have reached her in another dimension? They had a strong bond, but it could be a trick to get her to move. She clutched her wrist where her wolf guardian always sat. He kept the light shining brightest. But she had not worn the charm since she had the real wolf to keep the nightmares away. Now, she had nothing.

"He never loved you. It was the mate bond that forced him to marry you. No one loves you. They think you are a monster, more evil than a demon. We can help you. Let us in."

"No!" Angelique shook her head wildly. She could not believe them, could not allow them in. Her family loved her. They trusted her. She broke their trust, and now she needed to find a way back to them, so she could build that trust back again. She needed them as much as they needed her.

"To the left. Find the tunnels to the left of you and come back to the light."

She turned to look around her. Her back pressed up against something solid, but she couldn't see anything passed the light radiating from her chest and it was fading, fast.

"Cook, there's nothing here. There's no way out. I don't know what to do. I'm stuck here, and I want to come home."

"Annie, run. Get away from them and run to the left like Cook said."

"I can't. Mickey, I can't get out. I'm sorry."

She sobbed into her hands, pressing harder against the wall behind her.

"Yes, you can. Get up and run. We still love you. Ty didn't mean to say those things. His mind is messed up. My mind is messed up. We need you Angie. I need you," Andrew said. "Now get up and run. Enough with this self-pity. You are not a wimp. Pull yourself together Fletcher, and run, dammit!"

Andrew never failed to get her mind set straight. Her family loved her. She had to fight for them, return to them. If only she had the same assurance from Logan. Her heart ached severely with a deep seated need, she could hardly breath. She did breath though, and on her next deep inhalation, she pressed her hands against the wall, reminding her of her trip through the forest. Her feet burned against the icy stone floor, but she turned left and then ran. 

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