Chapter 48

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Angelique cried more in the last two weeks than she cried in thirteen years. Had someone told her becoming a witch would turn her into a sobbing mess, she would have given them all her gifts to avoid it. Once the visions started, she could not hold back her tears. She cried for her parents, and her siblings parents, for the people in her dreams, and the new ones from her vision, for the orphaned children in the world, and those who died with their parents.

As soon as she held out her arms, Logan gathered her in his blanket of honeysuckles and hay. Ty crawled up beside them and gathered her hair away from her mouth, knowing she would puke when she realized she swallowed tons of germs and dust. Studying every encyclopedia in the library had its detriments, even though she could name every single celled organism known to mankind.

Two of the most important people in her life tried to comfort her; Logan rocked her, while Ty sang her song.

When her tears stopped falling, Ty dried her eyes and nose with his handkerchief and shoved it back into his pocket.

"Why is there so much hate in the world?" she asked.

"Even though we can shift into animals, we are ultimately human. Humans are susceptible to the seven deadly sins, and we have free will. We make our own choices and sometimes, we choose wrong."

Angelique glanced at Ty and frowned. "Who are you and what did you do with Ty?"

He snickered and bumped his shoulder against hers. "I read too, you know. Just not where everyone can see me. No one expects me to know thing, which makes it more hilarious when they look at me the way you are."

She sighed and laid her head back against Logan's chest. "Sorry if I don't laugh with you. My head is filled with dead people who left their babies and children behind. And those damn red eyes tormenting them. Why do demons hate us so much."

Cook appeared with a cup of tea for Angelique. "They want what they can't have: love, happiness, families. They don't see that they have to change their ways to have all of that, everything we can have. It's jealousy that motivates them. Drink the tea and heal your feet."

As she appeared, she disappeared again, leaving the cup on the bedside table.

Logan handed her the cup and she sighed as she sipped the tepid tea. Cook refused to bring her coffee, insisting the tea is needed for rebuilding her energy. Her answer did not apply to what she actually meant.

"I didn't mean shifters and witches in general. Why do the demons hate us? Ty, Andrew, Jamie, Michael, Jenny, and me. Could it really be because of some stupid prediction?"

"I do not have the answer to that," Logan said. "I'm sure the mothers will tell you when you need to know. Right now, I want to know why the visions had you in tears. Is it a warning of things to come, or just more death by those demons?"

Angelique took a deep breath and cast a healing spell over her feet. She inspected her arms, chest and stretched her back to ensure she did not miss anything. Logan and Ty waited patiently.

When she had nothing left to distract her, she let out a heavy sigh. "I need you to get Ben for me. Tell him to bring his files. I need to ask him something before I get into the gory details."

Logan fluffed the pillows behind her as he said, "It will also give you time to overthink everything."

"I am healed. I don't need your pampering. I can sit up on my own," she said.

Logan stomped to the bathroom and came back with her fluffy robe. "If you won't stay under the blankets, wear this, or I won't let him in here."

"He's mated to Jamie," she said, even as she took the robe from him. Logan needed to worry more about Ty than Ben. He refused to keep his eyes on her face. Logan stomped towards him and raised his fist, ready to strike.

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