Chapter 5

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Staying awake the entire night before a twelve-hour shift was the second most idiotic thing she did that week. Arguing with Thomas still held the top position.

Angelique took the last of the breakfast dishes to the racks at the back of The Grill's kitchen. They would remain there until the dinner rush that evening. Monday to Friday, they served sandwiches for lunch, since most of their customers worked.

"Você não pode evitar o inevitável, Angie." (You can't avoid the inevitable, Angie.)

Mrs. Garcia's black hair and brown eyes were barely visible through the serving window, from her seat in front of the till counter. With one look, she could silence the most arrogant customer, but Angelique simply sighed and nodded.

The time came for her dreaded driver's test.

Her fingers tapped lightly over each of the ingredients she set out on the center island and then the switches of the grill, stove, and oven to the right of the serving window. From there, Angelique could monitor the front door, so she knew beforehand what to make, since all of their regulars kept to their usual orders.

She removed her hairnet, which barely kept her long braids confined. Jamie outdid herself the previous night, achieving forty braids before she ran out of hair.

She hung both the hairnet and her chef's jacket on the hook by the door before exiting the kitchen.

The swing-doors slapped loudly when she released them, yet James, her replacement for the four hours scheduled break, never turned his eyes from the dining hall.

The pretty-boy surfer invited them to his parents' beach house after Jenny and Michael arrived at the Harlows. Needing time away from the new baby and all the stress of school, Andrew, Ty, and Jamie snuck her out of the house, using their school's sports day as an excuse for leaving on a Saturday.

Most of the single girls and some boys paid a little too much attention to Andrew and Ty, so they never received another invite. Instead, the delusional fool turned his unwelcome sights on Jamie.

Angelique leaned against the gated division between the dining hall and the entrance directly across from him. "I feel obligated to inform you, you stand less chance of scoring with Jameline today than ever before."

"How so?" he asked, still watching Jamie as she smiled at an elderly couple, who stopped her for a quick chat.

Angelique shrugged and glanced over her shoulder. "It's quite dramatic. Prince Charming charged in on his white horse and swooped her off her feet. Didn't you notice the extra glow in her eyes?"

He spun away, growling through clenched teeth, and punched his way into the kitchen, leaving the doors to slap loudly against each other. Angelique's laughter echoed through the dining hall, and some customers seated near her joined in.

The clock at the back of the restaurant ticked over to noon. Angelique waved her hand in the air and raised her voice over the soft chatter of the remaining customers. "Jamie—phone. I'm going to be late."

Jamie's skirt swished around her legs as she rushed down the aisle between the scattered tables and the booths—lined along the wall of windows, giving them a full view of the main road.

Jamie tucked her arm through Angelique's and steered her towards the front door.

"I told him about the guy from this morning," Angelique said, holding out her hand for her phone.

"Excuse me?" Jamie stopped and frowned at her.

"You wanted to know why we were laughing at James. I told him about Mr. hot-stuff from this morning. Now, give me my phone or I'm canceling."

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