Chapter 41

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Thomas and Patricia's arrival cast a shadow across the sun. Like on the day of her birth and that of the witches, the sun and moon graced them with their presence. Within a few hours, they would pass each other and cast darkness over the land. But this darkness, this shadow, stemmed from evil.

Angelique took one look at herself in the mirror and quickly did a healing spell over her eyes. They were still puffy and red from crying. With a determined nod, she walked out the bathroom and straight to the bedroom door. Logan still sat on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Mi amor--"

"My name is Angelique. Use it," she said. 

"We have to talk," he said.

She snorted and shook her head. "No we don't. Thomas and Patricia are here and I need a clear head."

She banged her fist against Jamie's bedroom door. "Jay, I'm going to need you outside in two minutes."

She turned back around to go to the front door, but Logan stood in her way.

"What? What more could you possibly want from me? You kept your side of the bargain, and I kept mine. I get to deal with those demons and you got your title. You get to play king over those assholes outside. The same assholes who refused to help my mother, who refused to help a worthless little girl. Now this worthless little girl has to go save their asses!"

When Jamie came out still fixing her hair, Angelique noticed the bite mark on her shoulder.

Again she snorted. "Of course. Why didn't I realize sooner? Did you honestly think I would sleep with an emotionless zombie, strengthen a bond that is meant to be between two mates, who actually love each other? Ha," she laughed without humor. "You wanted your little bite, so that you could show it off to all your buddies. Well, feel free to screw every one of those bitches in the kitchen, who can't keep their eyes off you. I'm sure they would love to walk around with a chunk out of their necks, but I won't stoop that low. If you want your bite, you will have to wait for it. If I sink my teeth into your neck right now, you won't live long enough to show it off."

Logan grabbed her arm when she tried to walk passed him. She stared at the offending hand and sparks flew from her own.

"The last person who touched me without my permission has burn marks on his chest in the shape of his hands. Get your hands off me so I can go take care of those demons or Jamie dies today."

As soon as he let go, she turned towards the door. "I will need either you or Ben to guard the door. Andrew and Ty cannot be allowed to come back out. You are stronger, so I would prefer if you do it, but don't do it just because you feel obligated."

"I made my vows clear."

"And I won't keep you to any of them. Unlike my mother, I don't bind people to their promises. You are free to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't interfere with what I need to do."

She walked out the front door and called to Ty and Andrew. "I need you to bring Jenny and Michael into the house and stay with them until I open the door."

"Why?" Ty asked.

"Thomas and Patricia are here. You will be safe in the house. I promise."

As they ran to get the two little ones, Angelique spread her arms and cast a protection shield around the house. She raised her glowing hands, so that the shield would stretch to the top of the mansion, including both wings and the veranda.

When she shook out her hands, Ty stopped beside her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I will need one favor from you. Don't believe everything you hear but make it as believable as possible."

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