The Shy Man Gets Bold

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After their lunch, Vanessa brought August in front of a small building. It looked like a normal warehouse for illegal transactions but the small building was clearly a nightclub where illegal transactions are, legal.

They went inside the building, darkness and a loud rock music greeted them.

"Code name before entering." the guard said from the dark. August looks up to look for the voice but he saw nothing, he glances at Vanessa who is eaten by darkness.

"VanishedGrace." she said and the darkness was taken over by light. In front of them, the metal walls split into two and Vanessa drags August inside.

The inside was a like a bar, lots of people were dancing; enjoying their drunken acts and the alcohol.

"Wew.. What is this? A poorly disguised bar?" August asked.

"Yep, now come. Don't get lost, or you'll never be able to find me." she walks as August goes after her. They blend in the crowd and August focused at going after Vanessa. She was right, there are indeed a lot of people here and any time, Vanessa could vanish from the crowd. He had no idea what Vanessa will do but he only knows one thing, he's surrounded by people he doesn't know. Vanessa halts at a counter top and greeted the bar tender.

"Hey watsup?!!" the bar tender said, Vanessa bro fist with him and smiled.

"Got a new friend here! His name's August, and he's taking my offer!" Vanessa shouted so the bar tender can hear it. The music was too loud.

"Ohhh? Good luck with that!" the bar tender replied, he was called to the other side of the counter top and he left Vanessa a flirtatious wink.

"Ummm, so what will we do here?" August whispered. Vanessa leaned in closer to him.

"Okay, here's your first challenge." she whispered, she looks at the dance floor and smirk.

"See those people? Make at least five of them as your friends. Tip, don't be shy, those people there are all lit."

"Are you kidding me?! Of course they're lit! They've been drinking!" he complained, Vanessa laughs at him and taps his shoulder.

"This challenge is for building up your confidence Lovelornie. Come on do it, we're not leaving until you do it. I'll be here." she turns away and talks to the bar tender.

August was a bit annoyed but at the same time, shy. If it wasn't for Vanessa, he wouldn't admit to himself that he had become shy after Rachel, he was glad Vanessa saw it in him. But still, he's doubting if he should do the challenge or not.

"Come on..!" he said to himself, he took a deep breathe and marched into the flock of people.

He sees a woman in her panties and bra, dancing like a whore, letting any man touches her body. He watches her as her body moves like a wave. Her torso gracefully waving and he didn't know that she was already in front of her. Dancing and dragging him into a hot sensation. She snakes her arms around him and started her wave-like sexy whore dancing. Her eyes piercing him, watching him as she dance.

Unexpectedly, his body moves like hers and he can't help but smile. If he can recall correctly, the last time he had done this was during his heartbreak. And now, he's doing it again, but this time, for the better, for a reason.

"I'm August!" he shouted, the woman smiled and nods at him, she leaned closer and kissed him. He was surprised, he was gonna pull away because Harry came to his mind. But he remembered he's doing this for her, NO, for himself. He kissed her back and they ended up having a passionate kiss. The woman pulled away and sexily smiled at him.

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