The Ending

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"This is the second time I'm going here in this disguised bar, I don't even know what the hell is the name of it." August asked as he see the small building where the 'offer' started.

"It's not a bar." Vanessa snorted.

"Whhhaaaat?? Not a bar? Hey I remember you saying it is! And if it isn't, then what do you call those lights; the drunk people inside and the alcohols? That's a bar!" Vanessa smirks and stops walking then face him.

"It is not. For normal people like you, it's a bar, but for me, it's more than an organization. It's a family." she said and starts walking again. August walks after her with curled eyebrows and curious mind.

"An organization? What? Did I just find out that you belong in a fraternity?"

"Yes. You just did. That's why there's no name plasttered for the bar you're talking about. We want to keep our family authentic and pure, besides it's a secret." she sighed then looked at August, "Normal people call it The Cutie. Cause you know, the bar is small but it's fun. They don't know that they are surrounded by my family. For us, we call it the Kins."

"I see.. What kind of family do you have here? I thought you have one."

"That's what you thought, I've been an orphan when I graduated college. Lucky for me, my parents died after I graduated. Then I found the Kins, thanks to Steeve." she said and give him a tight smile. She suddenly felt sad upon opening up to him, and she turned around where August can't see him.

"I see. I'm sorry Vanessa." August said, sounding sad. Vanessa looked back and scowls at him then tapped his back.

"Come on Lovelornie! That was a long time ago! It's in the past! And the past teach us lessons! You see, my mother died because, well your mother already said it, that's why I promised myself I will never be like her! And my father died because of too much kindness! That's why I'm either kind or peevish. Nobody really knows how to describe me!" she said, making the sad feeling and atmosphere go away. August noticed it and ignore Vanessa's change of mood.

"I can describe you! You're jolly; you're very dependable; you're a trustworthy best friend; and you are veeeeery kind!" he said, Vanessa looks at her with so much happiness.

"Awwww, thank you Lovelornie." then her look turn cold and smile. "You should be thankful for treating you like that. It's very rare for me to treat a friend like that. Oh, what am I saying? We're best friends!"

"Rare? Why do you say so? You look like a very happy person."

"Oh shut up Lovelornie." she said and they went in the small building. The same usual darkness greets him. And the rock music was louder this time. It was then that August realized they went through a different door than the usual people looking for a night out.

"Code name before entering." the guard said again, August cleared his throat, a fraternity huh? Seems fun. He thought and waited for Vanessa to say the words.

"KinVanishGrace. I require full attention, Kin." Vanessa said. August glances at her but he can't see her through the darkness.

"State your purpose Kin." the guard replied.

"My friend is ending the Aiding Course. I am requesting to see the result of my effort."

"As you wish VanishedGrace. Then you should head right away at the sample rooms."

August has been scowling and he has no idea what they were talking about. Instead of the metal doors in front them, from their left side, another set of metal doors creaked and opened. Blue lights gleam the empty hallway and Vanessa grabs his wrist and drag him into the blue-lighted empty hallway.

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