The Woman He Saw

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A day with Carl was pure fun. All they did was laugh and run and make fun of things. When they left William's house, they were suppressing a laugh but laughed so hard when they were at another place. They saw kids playing scooter, one kid suddenly hit a mail receiver and he fell down.

August and Carl run towards him and helped him up, the kid was crying but August treated him lollipops and candies. When the kid stopped crying, they left him with a satisfiend grin on the kid's face. That's when Carl started to laugh and August can't help but laugh too. The kid was cute but his lack of teeth made him even cuter and funny. The way he cried made them laughed even more.

The next thing was, there was a dog barking at them, it seemed angry because they were crossing its territory. When it was coming to them, Carl slows down and suddenly bend down on one of her knees. August scowled at her, he was nervous the dog would bite them but Carl was just brave enough to sit there and act as if she was picking up something. Unfortunately, the dog went running after Carl and she stand up and started running. She yelled RUUUN !!! when the dog was after her and so August runned as well. They runned like there was no tomorrow, the air in their lungs gone because of laughing so hard while running.

The dog finally stopped running after them when they turned right in a block with heavy breathing. When they had enough air, they started laughing again, laughing at their own facial expression jokes. Then they would stop to breathe more air and laugh again for no reason.

Damn, this woman is so infectious. I don't even know why we're laughing! his thought said as he laughed with her.

Soon enough, when they have calmed down, they walk towards the park, Carl was telling him a story from her childhood.

"I don't really remember who did that but my playmate was sure that that incident really happened!" she said, August nods and listened to her.

"So, we were riding our bikes! Then, there were the damn dogs! They went after us and I'm really sure that I pedaled very fast to get away from them." she paused and starts to giggle. "You know what my playmate said? She said, one of us stopped pedaling. Instead, she left the bike and started running!" she laughed and August laughed as well as he imagined the scene.

"Damn! Seriously?! Who would do that?! You already have the bike to help you get away from the dogs! But instead she left it behind and runned! Fvcking dumbass!" she added, they laughed hard at the imagined scene in their mind.  Carl was waving her head as she tried hard to recall who might that be while August can't stop laughing at the thought.

Dumbass. his mind said. He stops laughing and slowly refill his lungs with air.

"Hey, hey. August, look." Carl said, August looked at her then looked at the direction she was pointing at.

August saw two people. One man and one woman, sitting on a bench; it seemed like they are on a date. They were snuggling each other, showing public display of affection.

"Look at the one with the boy cut." August did look at him. "She's a lesbian." Carl added, August suddenly looked at Carl with a troubled face and 'pft'.

"No way. That's a man dude!" he said.

"Oh trust me! She is a lesbian, look at her! Is there a man with milky skin? And a small chest?" she pointed out, August glanced at him again. Carl was right, he had milky skin and a small chest. He looked at the other one, at the woman, she looked familiar he thought.

"Does that make the other woman a lesbian too?" he asked, he glances at his new friend and finds her scowling.

"Of course. Duh? She likes her own gender. They're called homo sexuals I think." Carl said, "You know, when a person likes his own gender? Something like that." she added and walked away.  August looked at the woman again. She really looked familiar in his eyesight.

Then, his heart was suddenly beating fast than normal.

His eyes examined her body, it has this familiar sexiness, white skin, long legs. And she has a long black hair. Just as he was going to look away and forget what he saw, the woman looked at his direction, he wasn't sure if she was looking at him but the moment she looked at his direction, he almost died.

"Vanessa.." he whispered, sadly.

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