n i n e p t t w o

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Kiara's pov

My cheeks were still flushed when we came back to the living room

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook smirking at the grinning man who's still holding my hand.

"Wait, wait. What is the meaning of this?" Jin asked, eyes stuck to our glued hands

"They're just holding hands like what friends do" Jimin teased, eyebrows wiggling

Yoongi scoffed on the couch, "Do friends make out too? Cause I didn't know that they go to that extent"

My eyes widened, "Yoongi!" Hoseok gasped, slapping his arm

Yoongi made a face, "What? It's the truth though. Both of your lips are slightly bruised. Had a hard time pulling away?"

I blushed harder and hid behind the now laughing man.

"Shut up hyung" Taehyung said, shaking his head

He pulled me to the couch and I quickly hid my face behind a small pillow

"Look what you've done Yoongs" Hoseok tsked, looking at my flustered state

"Well that just proves that my deduction was right" He lazily said, popping a cherry in his mouth

"You're eating all the cherries slender man" Chaeyong whined

Yoongi ignored her and continued feasting on the bowl of cherries Chaeyong had put on the table

"Yoongi, leave some for the rest" Hoseok scolded

Yoongi stopped when he was about to put another cherry in his mouth. His eyes staring directly at Hoseok's.

He just stared at him, debating whether he'd listen or not.


"Fine" He put the cherry he was holding in his mouth and stopped reaching for more.

"Good kitten" Jimin cooed

Yoongi glared at the smol man, "Don't call me that"

"Why?" Jimin pouted, arms crossed in his chest

Yoongi grunted, completely ignoring the bean.

Jimin huffed and turned his attention to us, "You guys together now or what?"

"W-were not together" I stuttered. Their stares full of doubts

"Yeah right"

I blushed and hid my face. Taehyung put his hand over my shoulder, seemingly enjoying my flushed state

"She's right. We're not together"

The room went silent


The room exploded with cheers, "That's my man!" Jungkook yelled, fist bumping the air

The boys cheers, the smiles on the girls faces and his arm over my shoulder made me blush even more.

Taehyung chuckled and kissed my head. I snuggled closer to him, a pillow still covering my face.

"It's nice to know that you'll finally have a girlfriend Tae" Namjoon stated, looking proud

"Thank you hyung" Taehyung smiled admiringly at their pillar

"If Kiara says yes then she'll be your first" Jimin pointed out, cherries in his mouth

"F-first?" I asked,

Taehyung looked down on me with the same expression.

My heart thumped inside my chest as he held my gaze captive.

"You didn't know Kiara? Tae never had a girlfriend before"

"So when you finally say yes to him then,

you'll be his first"

We changed the topic when I answered them with silence.

The girls took me away from Tae for a so called girls talk.

And it was.... interesting

After they gave me their advices and persuasion they finally let me go.

I already have my answer anyways,

As I walked in the hall back to the room that me and the other girls were sharing to clean up I bumped into someone.

I stumbled back and my ass kissed the cold carpet

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Hara exclaimed, quickly helping me up

"No it's okay, I wasn't paying attention to where i was going anyways"  I dismissed, dusting my bum

"Are you really okay?" She asked, still hesitant

"Yeah" I chuckled, slightly feeling awkward

We both went silent as we seem to struggle for the right words to say.

shi, kill me now

Hara laughed nervously and scratched the back of her neck, breaking the silence. I joined her and put my hands on my pocket.

"So.. you and Tae huh?"

My eyes snapped back at hers, "What do you mean?" I asked

She bit her lip, "You guys seem really close. Are you finally together?"

I don't know why but that question coming from her seems to irritate me.

The glint of hope in her eyes makes me want to gauge them out

I forced a smile, "No..not yet" I inspected her, looking for any reaction

She smiled, unfazed.


"Oh, that's great! I hope the best for the two of you" Her eyes glinted under the light

"Okay? Thanks, I guess" I replied, feeling uncomfortable with her presence

She put an arm on my shoulder, that same smile on her face. I tensed momentarily before forcing myself to relax.

I met her eyes head on not letting her feel the satisfaction of me squirming under her touch.

"Take good care of him will you?"

I fake laughed, "Of course"

She patted my shoulder two times before letting her hand fall down to her sides,

"You're lucky, Kiara"

"Indeed I am" I nodded, 

I expected her to shoot me an annoyed look for agreeing with her but instead she smiled at me,

Her perfect white teeth shining, her eyes concealing her intentions

"But I wonder how long you're gonna be lucky"


"Nothing" She quickly followed up, a mischievous look plastered on her face

"If you'd excuse me I need to go back to the living room. Bye Kiara" She walked past me, her perfume lingering to further annoy me

I clenched my jaw, fighting the urge to run and fight that woman.

I glared at the innocent carpet on the floor, fists clenched.

I forced my feet to walk, completely ignoring the uneasiness that I'm feeling. Her words still circling my mind.

What are you up to Hara?

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