t w e n t y t w o

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Kiara's pov

It's been three days.

I wonder what the boys are doing right now. I wonder what he's doing.

Mr. Jung came back yesterday looking like he won the lottery. The tube in his hand was only half full and judging by his expressions it was clear that he'd already done it.

He made a cure.

He didn't talk to me yesterday but treated me extra nicely. He gave me food and let a woman staff bathe me. I was under a huge dose of sedative so I was still numb. It was embarrassing.

Up until now he's still all giddy. He was starting to pack all of the test tubes, apparatus, syringes inside a bag.

I watch him move. "Where are you going?"

He stopped and looked at me with a huge smile plastered in his face, "We darling. It's we"

My eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

He laughed and put down all of the stuff that he was holding, "We need to go to another lab facility. I'm going to work there for the manufacturing of the cure. Your blood will be compressed into pills so it would be easier to consume."

My eyes widened, "We can't leave" I said, a wave of panic hitting me.

"What about Taehyung? The rest? What will happen to them?"

"They'll remain here of course. They won't see you again though. You'll be needed in the lab. It'll be a very hectic year for you and I. We need to produce billions of pills"

He stopped for a moment, massaging his forehead, "But it's all worth it though. The president is receiving nonstop calls and bills worldwide are continuously depositing in our country's bank"

"Y-you can't"

He stopped massaging and looked at me, "I can't what?"

"You can't take me away from here. My family is here Mr. Jung" I weakly said

He got even more confused, "What family? I thought yours is dead?"

I shook my head, "Taehyung and the others, they're my family"

He looked at me as if I'd grown two heads before bursting out laughing. "Y-you haha!" He held onto the table for balance.

I glared at him. If I had my strength I would've tackled him already. He stopped laughing and wiped a stray tear before sighing, "They're not your family Kiara. If you were then why didn't  they try to save you? You're so naive" He chuckled and continued to pack his stuff.

I gulped and looked down on the cuffs binding me down, "They're my family and they will save me. I just know it" I announced

He just ignored me and continued laughing to himself. A small part of me reconsidered his words and the doubts inside my mind aren't helping either. I shook my head once again as I felt another head ache forming.

They'll come.

My Taehyung will come.

I closed my eyes letting myself succumb to sleep once again.

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