e i g h t e e n

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Taehyung's pov

I paced back and forth as the uneasiness invaded my senses. All of the boys are in one room with two bunk beds and a king sized bed in the middle for three people.

The girls were in another floor so now we're back to just seven. Jin sat on the edge of the bed, his eyebrows knitting. Yoongi decided to sleep for a while in the top of the bunk bed and Hoseok sat on the bed below. Jungkook and Jimin sat beside each other while Namjoon is scribbling in his notebook.

I stopped pacing and groaned, "Are we seriously not gonna do anything?"

Jin rubbed his temples, "I'm starting to think that coming to this haven is a not-so-good idea" The rest nodded

"Our families aren't here either" Namjoon pointed out, closing his notebook and sat down on the bed.

"To be honest, I think that that's the only reason that we came here. I mean, the apartment is already safe and plus there are a lot of nearby stores" Jimin said

"True" Jungkook agreed

I sighed, "I have a bad feeling about us, staying"

They all nodded in approval, except for Yoongi who was snoring lightly. Namjoon stood up, "Since we all agree, let's make a plan to retrieve Kiara and leave with her and the girls"

"But, how? It will be difficult to get Kiara back"

Namjoon ruffled the young one's hair, "That's why we need to make a plan" I smiled at his words.

This is going to be interesting.

Kiara's pov

I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by a piercing light. I groaned and tried to shield them with my hands but the straps stopped me from raising them.

Memories of what happened a while ago came rushing to my mind. My head whipped in the sides as I tried to find the man who did this.

My body feels so heavy. The drug must be to reduce my physical capacity. He knows that I can be strong if I wanted to and I can easily escape that's why he drugged me.

Stupid cow.

"Oh, you're awake!"

My face contorted into a scowl, "Unstrap me old man"

He threw his head back and laughed, "I'm not that old you know?" I growled as his face showed amusement.

"You sick cow, how dare you drug me" I growled

"Well if I don't then you could easily escape. Plus, it's your fault for being too naive" He grinned

I tried to wriggle loose but I have no energy. Everything is heavy, even my eyes are threatening to close. My breathing was heavy and my mind was still foggy.

I cursed at myself for being too dumb.

He walked closer to me and pulled a chair so that he could sit down. "Your eyes are much much beautiful than hers" He gawked, staring creepily into my eyes.

I growled and looked away. He laughed, "You're a feisty one aren't you?"

"Don't breath in my direction. I could smell the pork and lettuce that you just ate" I spat

His arrogant smile slipped, "But I brushed my teeth, honey"

I cringed at the nickname, "First of all, don't call me honey and second, no matter how many times you brush your teeth, your mouth would still smell like garbage"

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