f i f t e e n

458 22 2

Kiara's pov

I would like to believe that this was yet another day of my life.

But its not.

Jin switched the engine on and pressed the pedal. I gripped the seatbelt of the car as I forced my eyes outside.

I thought that the car ride would be filled with chatter and such but it was...quiet.

The girls were tense and I know that the boys are too.

Taehyung refused to let go of my hand on the entire trip. My eyes kept on eyeing the watch on my wris, being wary of the time left before we reach Busan.

"Twenty more minutes, guys" Jin announced, his eyes leaving the watch

"Twenty more minutes, huh" I muttered, laughing to myself.

Taehyung gripped my hands tighter as he heard me. Jimin quickly glanced at my way, seemingly troubled.

"Are you okay, Kiara?"

I nodded, "Yes of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked him, forcing a smile

"You don't have to pretend Kiara. I'm also troubled of what might happen once we reach Busan" Yoongi muttered, his eyes closed

Hoseok nodded, "I want to be positive but I can't help but think of the possibilities. What would we do if they won't listen to us?" He asked, worry lacing his voice

"We'll just explain again if that happens. Kiara will come with us to the haven" Taehyung firmly said, his eyes hardening

I stayed still, leaning closer to him. "Taehyung's right. We just need to make this work" Jimin smiled, his eyes disappearing.

I looked at each and one of them, taking my time observing.

"Thank you so much" I whispered, my eyes watering

Namjoon laughed, "You don't need to thank us. You're our friend" He smiled, softly on the front seat.

The others hummed in approval. I bit my lip and let myself break down in front of them.

Taehyung immediately pulled me in a hug and the others tried to but failed due to the position of their seats.

I laughed at their failed attempts and wiped my tears with the sleeves of my shirt.

Taehyung chuckled and kissed my forehead, "Just believe, okay? We'll all make it" He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him, lovingly. He quickly have me a peck on the lips which made me all giddy.

And for that short period of time, I forgot what I planned to do.

A little ounce of hope spurted from my stomach clinging to the words of my friends and my lover.

The girls smiled but it was faint. Hara's eyes glaring at the back of out heads, jelousy so evidentin her eyes.

The doubts

The possibilities

The fear

I burried them deep down, choosing to be happy in this moment.

I embraced the man beside me tighter and closed my eyes.

I'll cling to that small hope for now.

The van suddenly jerked to the right causing me to press on the car's door.

Jin released a string of curse words before stepping on the brakes with force.

We all jerked forward, our seatbelts tightening due to the sudden stop of the van.

Jin breathed heavily and slammed his hands in the steering wheel, cursing before looking back at us.

"The tires" He simply stated before stepping out

We all groaned and followed him. The tires indeed exploded.

"Who the fuck pumped the tires before we left?" Yoongi asked, irritation plastered in his pale face

The tallest rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly "I guess I pumped too much air, huh?"

"Namjoon!" We all groaned

He only smiled at us in apology, his dimples, protruding.

Jin sighed and rubbed his temples, "There's no use in blaming. Let's just get this over with"

We all nodded and got the extra tires on the back.

"Should we change all of them?" Chaeyong asked

Jin nodded, "We'll just change them all to avoid the others exploding too"

We all agreed with his words and started working.

My ears perked at a faint growl. I stiffened amd stayed still, eyes hardening.

"What's wrong, love?"

I stayed quiet and tilted my head. I closed my eyes and took a quick wiff before, tensing.

"Guys le—"

"Zombies!" Hara screamed, stumbling before running to the van for her gun.

I widened my eyes as I realized I was too late.

The zombies dashed in our way, eyes filled with hunger.

We all ran to the van and clumsily took a hold of our weapons. Their growls growing louder as they seemed to be close.

Hara, Mina and Yoongi who took hold of a gun first fired at their heads. The others still dashed towards us, unbothered by the weapons that we aim at them.

We all fired our shots but they never seem to cease.

"Shit" Yoongi cursed, firing continuously at the dead

Everytime we think that that would be the last, a new board would appear and dash towards us, replacing thsoe that we already killed.

The sounds of our guns, slicing the once silent air. Our bullets falling to the ground with a clang.

All four tires of our van lay on the ground.

"Hoseok, Hareum, Mina, Jimin, the tires!" Namjoon yelled, pulling his trigger.

The once that were told immediately obeyed and scurried to the tires.

"They're not ceasing!" Hara screamed in frustration as she loaded her gun again.

I growled and furisoly shot each one of them in precision.

They all seemed to be getting even closer. Their numbers increasing.

"How's the tires going?!" Jungkook yelled

"It's not finished yet! It's bein—argh!" Jimin yelled in frustration as the tire fell back to his feet.

"They're too many! We need to run!"

"But the van—"

"Let's abandon the van! We can run to the border. The military will help us. We just need to—"

The air was once piercrd with bullets. But it was silent.

Their gunshots were silent. 

We all stayed rooted on the spot as bodies and bodies of the dead fell to the ground. Their numbers decreasing.

The last body fell but we still haven't left our spot.

The air was tense.

The sounds of boots growing louder and louder.

they're here.

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