s e v e n t e e n

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Kiara's pov

The soldier whose name I still don't know handed me a pair of sunglasses before  escorting me inside the haven.

I walked behind him all the time and avoided the stares of the people who's curiosity got best of them. The others were accompanied by the other soldiers and was dropped to the third floor to their rooms.

I didn't get the chance to see Taehyung.

Me and the soldier went inside the elevator. He took a card on his pocket and swiped it. He then pushed some numbers before a red button popped out. He pressed it and the elevator went down.

"What floor am I staying?"

He glanced at me swiftly before looking straight ahead, "You'll be on the underground floor"

My eyes widened, "Underground?"

He smirked, "Yes. Only military and other personnel's can access the underground floor"

I hummed and looked down on my feet. It was tense between the two of us, neither speaking.

My attention was caught when the elevator made a 'ding' sound and opened. The smell of disinfectants suddenly knocking my senses. The soldier went out first and I followed suit.

There were scientists everywhere. All in their white gowns and tubes, masks covering their mouths. We passed by huge glasses that seems to be bullet proof that separates the scientists and their experiments.

There were a lot of rooms and there were guards in every corner. I also received a lot of curious stares as I pass by just like when I first enetered the haven.

They all whispered at each other but I just ignored it. I chose to stick closer to the soldier who seemed to not mind their chatter.

We stopped in front of a huge door which has the name Head Scientist: Jung in a golden plate.

I gulped as the soldier knocked and opened it. We were greeted by a man in his late-fourties mixing something with a lead. He glanced up and stopped,

"I brought her, sir" The soldier said, his face not showing any emotion

I gulped a I watched him put down the lead that he was holding and cautiously walked to my direction. I tried my best not to flinch as he stopped in front of me.

He then removed the sunglasses that was the only thing concealing my eyes and let out a gasp, clearly shocked.

"She lied" He whispered, seemingly mesmerized.

My eyebrows perked up, "Is the she you're referring to named Leila?"

His eyes flashed an emotion I couldn't decipher, "You know her?" He asked, seemingly intrigued.

"She's a friend of a friend"

"Oh" He let out, a hint of relief in his voice.

"You can leave now" He said to the man beside me. The soldier glanced at him and nodded curtly before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Come" He motioned his fingers and sat down to the nearest couch.

I hesitantly sat down beside him, placing both of my hands on top of my lap. He turned his back on me and reached for two mugs, pouring coffee to each mug then handing one to me.

I muttered a quick 'thank you' and sipped my coffee quietly. He offered me cookies but I declined.

"So, you're name is Kiara am I correct?"

I nodded, "And you're the head scientist, Mr. Jung" He smiled and nodded.

"I'm hoping that you already know why you're brought here" He placed his coffee down

"You think that I might produce a cure" I repeated what the soldier had said

He smiled again, "Yes. And I might warn you that this experiment will not be easy. I'll be extracting a lot of blood and if needed, skin from you. You will also be examined and be in procedures wherein we open you up"

I stiffened, "What do you mean, 'Open you up'?" My heartbeat quickened

He smiled, "Exactly like what I just said, honey"

I suddenly felt uneasy, "Won't I die?"

He chuckled, "You wont. You'll only die if you got shot in the head and neck right?"

I observed him, trying to know his real intentions but he was good to conceal all of it.

"How did you know that?" I didn't try to hide my suspicion

A flash of mischief appeared in his eyes, "We had Leila before didn't we?" He mused

I clenched my jaw, "had?"

He tilted his head to the side, feigning an innocent puppy, "Yes, had because she's gone now, honey"

I felt the walls closing on on me. I looked at the man who was sitting beside me, his eyes glinting as if waiting for me to crack. All sorts of alarms went off inside my head.

"You killed her" I managed to say, my mind fogging

"No honey, she killed herself" He grinned

My body suddenly felt numb as I panicked.

What was happening?

"Leila was very alert and didn't fall for it when I dropped a pill in her coffee. I thought that all of her kind was like that, but it seems like I'm wrong" He cooed, brushing a strand of my hair

"You little–"

He placed a finger on my lips, silencing me. My eyes were growing heavier as time passed by, my breathing getting slower. He pulled me in his embrace, my head resting in his chest.

"Sleep now, child" He cooed,

I tried to fight it but I was losing control. Everything was fading, the world was spinning.

And before I know it, I had already succumbed to his words.


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