t h i r t e e n

477 22 1

Kiara's Pov

"Hello, this is the General of the military"

We all froze. The voice of the man echoed in the quiet room. Jungkook immediately went back to his seat and continued to gape at the radio that he operated.

They all unconsciously leaned in as if being lured. I was the only one who still has their back on the couch. The fact that the military was somehow involved in Leila's death is no help for me.

We haven't found any glasses or contacts to hide my eyes and they would probably kill me on sight. I bit my lip as I glanced at Taehyung who has a huge smile plastered on his face.

I looked at the others and saw that they had that same look.


"I repeat this is the General of the military" The radio again vibrated

Namjoon took out a smoke notebook and a pen and inched gene closer. The once sleep man was now wide awake and is anticipating for what happened next.

The radio went off and buzzed again, "If someone is listening to this, I want you to know that the government had built a safe haven in Busan. We are currently trying to build new ones in Seoul, Gangnam and other cities but due to the resistance from the dead we are having troubles and are losing a lot of men"

Namjoon scribbled all of it down in his notebook, "In Busan's haven, there are scientists who experiment for a cure and soldiers who protect the people inside. Before we accept you to the haven, you are expected to be scanned by the soldiers. These scanners can immediately identify those who are unaware that they are infected and those who are safe"

I could feel Hara's eyes on me but I ignored it, "The scanner could determine the time before you turn. Those who are close to turning are killed in sight while those who still have time are taken by the soldiers to the scientists who would then help them get better"

I scoffed, "More like use them as lab rats" I muttered. No one heard me as they were too focused on the radio.

"A border is built by the government in between Seoul and Busan. Soldiers will be deployed there on May 19 to escort the survivors to the haven. They will be there from 6 am to 3:30 pm. After that the next attempt to escort survivors to safety is in two months. If you haven't gotten there in time then your safety is in your hands"

"Busan is the second largest city.  We were able to eradicate the dead that is near to the haven but failed to do so in the other parts of the city. It is recommended that the survivors come in time. I pray for your safety" And with that the static sound took over again

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, "Its in Busan" He whispered, lost in his own thoughts.

Namjoon put down his pen and flipped through the pages of his notebook,

"Today is May 17 so we still have a day to prepare. Luck is on our side since Jimin and Jungkook are from Busan and we have a van. Hoseok, Jin, Chaeyong and Mina, is it okay if you find gas tomorrow?"

The four nodded their heads, excitement in their eyes. The atmosphere had changed after they heard the news. I could feel their heartbeats quicken from the adrenaline of finally being safe and the glee rushing in their veins.

I glanced at Taehyung who is smiling fondly at Jimin who was saying the possibility that their family might be there.

A pang of sorrow had hit me as I recalled what the General and Hyuna had said,

"The scanner could determine the time before you turn. Those who are close to turning are killed in sight while those who still have time are taken by the soldiers to the scientists who would then help them get better"

"You should be careful around people who are involved with the military, Kiara" Hyuna warned

I gulped and looked around me. All of them had hope in their eyes. Hoseok seems to gleam even more and Yoongi had that gummy smile on display. They all seemed...happy

I looked down on my feet knowing that no contacts or glasses would help me fool the soldiers. The scanner would give me away and that thought scares me.

Taehyung vowed to protect me and I know that the others will too but it's the military that they'd be facing. God knows what they'll do to them once they start protecting me.

I can't risk it.

I locked eyes with a woman from across the room, hands in her chest as her eyes never left mine. She smirked knowing well enough what my future will be if I come.



I looked away from her and glanced at the man beside me. I flashed him a smile, hoping that he won't see through me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. He inched closer to me and pulled me into his arms

I shook my head, "Nothing..I'm just shocked that's all" I lied. He looked at me for a while before he finally let it go.

"I might see my family there" He softly whispered as he caressed my hair in his fingers.

I closed my eyes as I suddenly felt guilty, "I'm so happy for you"

He chuckled, "I'll introduce you to them, love"

I smiled at the bitter feeling, "I can't wait" I murmured not knowing what else to say.

He noticed my state and smiled softly at me. He leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my forehead, "You're gonna be okay. We'll find a way to hide your eyes"

"But what about the scanner, Tae?" He grew quiet. I knew that he too realized it.

I buried my face in his shirt as the plan in my head kept on growing. He sighed and made me look up,

"We'll find a way" He said, determination in his eyes.

I felt my heart break, "Promise?"

He flashed me the smile that I grew to love. "Promise"

'You're lying'

I knew that he hated to admit it but we were lacking time. We only had a day and to come up with something to deceive the scanner.

It's simply impossible.

I knew he already realized it but he refused to admit it. I'd get them in trouble or worse killed if the soldiers see me with them. The plan in my head is clear and I'm already sure.

I looked at our hands and smiled to myself. Ignoring the growing ache inside my heart.

I'll have to let you go, soon.

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