twelve // real life

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heather devereux walked inside the riverdale set; the cast were currently in a break and is sitting down the chairs.

kj blinked confusedly as he saw the familiar-looking brunette. he shook cole's shoulder, getting his attention.

"is this a dream or is your dream girl here?" asked kj to cole sprouse, who beside him. he pointed out heather, who was talking to ross butler.

heather looked at kj and cole's direction, and turned back to ross. she talked to him and went to cole's direction.

"prepare yourself." said kj calmly.

"hey cole, kj." said heather as she smiled at both boys behind them.

"hey heather." said the boys in unison.

before heather said anything else, lili reinheart and camila mendes arrived at the scene.

"hey!" said camila as she smiled sweetly at heather.

"hello! i'm heather." said the brunette as camila and her shook hands. "camila."

heather shifted her position, looking at lili who was beside camila.

"i'm lili! i know about you, cole talks about it everyday." said lili and cole furiously blushed.

"i do not talk about heather!"

heather laughed heartily. "that's sweet of you, cole. anyways, i'm here to ask you guys if you want to, uh, maybe watch my concert on sunday?"

the riverdale cast looked at each other and looked back at heather.

"the tickets are my treat."

"i'm in, are you guys in?" asked cole nicely.

"well, yes, we're in." said the cast in the same time.

heather smiled, "great, since you guys agreed i was wondering if you'd like to eat after your taping."

"anything for food is a yes, for me." said kj, beaming like a small child.

"sure." said cole, staring at heather.

camila nugged cole, "somebody's in love." she said in a sing-song voice.

cole blushed, "shut up, cami."

beloved // cole sprouseWhere stories live. Discover now