sixty-two // phone call + real life

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[ voicemail:: hey, this is cole. sorry if i couldn't answer the call, i'm a bit busy. just leave me a message! i'll reply soon! ]

hey babe! maybe i'll be a bit late, but i'll be there. kay just needs someone to go shopping. love you!



"thanks for the ride, kay!" heather said as she went out of kay's car.

"no problem! anything from my favourite love birds!" kay said joyfully.

"alright, alright. talk to you later!"

with that, kay drove away, leaving heather near cole's apartment.

there was a really, bright pink car near his apartment. she was starting to feel unusual.

'a client, perhaps?' heather thought.

there was also a splattered cup of coffee, near the doorstep. heather entered the apartment.

there were scattered clothes— cole's. and then... a girl's clothes, too. leading to his room.
she took a deep breath and open the door.

what she saw broke her heart.


"—well, it wasn't my fault." cole heard elise said. "we enjoyed it."

"do you know that he has a girlfriend? and i'm that girl?" heather said.

"sorry darling, but this pretty boy, isn't yours anymore."

cole groaned, and opened his eyes. he was covered with the white sheets of his bed. was he naked?

cole realised that he was naked, and he shared his bed with elise, who was naked too.

"what the fuck? what's going on?" cole asked confusedly.

heather was standing in front of his bed, glaring at him sadly.

"okay, so you had amnesia?" heather asked sarcastically. "you just fucked that bitch."
she pointed elise.

cole's eyes widened.

"i—i don't remember anything." cole said, "besides, babe— you know i wouldn't do that—"

"you just did!" heather exclaimed, she wiped her tears away.

"we— we're done. i'm breaking up with you. enjoy your life."

heather walked out, leaving cole and elise alone.

"that was so dramatic." elise said. "how about round two?"

"no. get out of my goddamn apartment!" cole snapped.

elise left, cole was alone.

he was alone with a shattered heart.

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