thirty // real life

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cole and heather went inside cole's apartment, holding each other's hand, they sat on the couch.

"so, babe—" cole started but was cut by heather's hysterical laughing. "what?"

"you're cute when you enjoy what you're doing." heather said, placing her legs at his lap, "like calling me couple of names."

heather laughed at her pun, but cole didn't seem to get it. heather stopped laughing and looked at cole seriously.

"couple of names? couple names? get it?" said heather and cole gave his girlfriend— girlfriend sounds so good, felt like music to cole's ears— a 'bad pun' look.

"okay, it's bad." said heather and she gave cole a quick kiss on the lips.

"anyways," heather said she broke the kiss, "i'm going back to new york this, friday."

isn't friday in a week already? cole's conscience told him.

cole looked sad. heather cupped his cheeks. "it's okay, cole. you can always call me, text me or even do facetime with me. so, are we good?"

"yeah." said cole truthfully, "i guess i'm going to miss my girl a lot."

"don't worry, we'll be in contact, right?"


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