fifty-five // real life

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heather went inside starbucks. there wasn't so many people, so, she quicky saw andrew james, sitting on a booth alone.

heather approached andrew's table.

"hey." heather said, which caused andrew to look up to her.

"hey. take a seat." andrew said.

heather sat across andrew. "so, what are we discussing?"

"well..." andrew started. "first of all, i'm sorry. i'm sorry that i made you feel like shit when we were together. i'm sorry, that you think you weren't enough."

andrew was looking down at the table, he wasn't crying but, he was sad.

heather looked at andrew, "it's okay, i'm not angry. well, not anymore."

andrew sighed, "yeah, i know you're not. i want to say i still like you. i do, but now i know you don't feel the same. not anymore."

"i'm sorry, andrew. i'm not a heartless girl, but i'm not a cheater. i know you like me but you need to forget about me and you. look, both of us are like paper. you tore us apart, i left you but there's a piece of me left with you. i know it doesn't make sense but you really need to move on."

andrew nodded. "maybe i really need too."

"maybe asa can cheer you up?" asked heather, trying to enlighten the mood.

"maybe." andrew smiled a little.

"i hoped you understand what i wanted to say. and i wish you find your true love." heather said, patting andrew on the shoulder.

"thank you." andrew said, "but i think we should call him because this is getting awkward for me."

"oh, yeah."

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