eighty-five // phone call

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[ just listen, alright? don't say anything. ]

okay. but i'm recording this.

[[ elise: who are you talking, babe? ]]
[ uh, it's just no one, alright? let's just eat. ]

[ so, i knew about you and cole...]
[[ e: omg, are you mad? i'm sorry babe! ]]

[ its fine, why did you do it? ]
[[ e: oh silly, you. i just wanted cole and heather to break up, so i spiked his drink and set him up. ]]

[ set up? ]
[[ e: yeah, set up. i removed his clothes— except for his boxers, of course, and i removed mine. ]]

end call

♡´・ ・'♡


hey. how was it?

[ you're great, thanks. it just hurts. i hate that bitch! ]

calm down. maybe you can tell cole the truth.

[ ye—yeah. maybe i should. but really, thank you for your help. ]

it's alright. i'm sorry of she had to do that.

[ it's alright. okay, i've got to tell cole. ]

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