fifty-two // real life

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"thank god they're out of my apartment." cole said, sitting on the couch beside his girlfriend.

"hey, they're not so bad." heather said, leaning to cole more, "they are like kids with drinking and driving permit."

cole laughed, "humor. that's why i love you."

heather smiled, and looked at her boyfriend, "don't go cheesy, sprouse."

cole pouted, "you love it when i'm cheesy."

heather leaned her face closer to cole's.

"hell yeah i do." heather whispered, smirking after.

cole gave heather a quick smack on the lips.

"there you have it." cole said.

heather pouted, "aw, can't it be a little longer?"

cole shook his head, "no. i have plans for tonight."

"don't tell me i have to dress up, just to go out with you." heather said.

"no, you don't need to dress up." cole said, standing up, and pulling heather, so she would stand up.

cole, along with heather, went to the room he asked camila and lili to decorate for himself and heather.

the room was beautiful. there was scattered petals of red roses, a vase of colourful flowers and a laptop on the bed.

"this is dope. i love it, cole." heather looked up her boyfriend.

cole looked back, "well, i asked people to decorate this while you're distracted."

"i love your effort. thanks babe." heather kissed cole's cheek.

cole, being his dramatic self, sighed. "you're not saying what i want to hear."

heather blinked, uncontrollably smiling because he noticed.

"what do you to hear?" heather asked, showing the 'innocent' look.

"you're pretending to be innocent. say it." cole said, walking closer to heather, who was in front of him and moving backwards.

"what?" heather looked down and smiled.

"say it, or else." cole warned jokingly.

"or what?" heather asked, still pulling her "innocent" act.

cole tackled heather on the floor, tickling her sides, which caused heather to laugh.

"o-okay! i love you cole!" heather laughed.

cole stopped, he layed himself beside heather.

"well i love you too."

and he kissed her again.

beloved // cole sprouseWhere stories live. Discover now