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Alexander- Keith

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Alexander- Keith

I had no doubt in my mind that Mila was pregnant, but I was scared. How could I not realize all the signs.

We have unprotected sex constantly so it was bound to happen but I wasn't expecting it now. This was her second day at my house, and all she did was throw up and sleep.

She wouldn't eat and barely drank anything. I wanted to say it was food poisoning but it's been two days already.

I gently shook her, "Babe wake up. We going to the doctor."

"Leave me alone. I'm tir-" before she could finish her sentence she threw up at the side of the bed.

"Ok come on lets go." I lifted her up and took her to the bathroom to get her ready.


I stood outside of the lab waiting for Elijah to get back to me with Milas test results. I had already bit my nails down to the nub and my nerves were starting to grow restless.

Once I spotted Elijah come out of the lab, I rushed him "Is she pregnant?"

"Man chill, why would it matter if she is pregnant or not." He held the paper back from me.

"Because nigga, stop fucking playing man!" Lunging forward I snatched the paper from him.

I quickly scanned the paper, as soon as I saw negative the weight of the world was finally lifted off my shoulders.

"What would be so wrong if she was pregnant?"

"It's complicated--"

"Nah it's not, you wanna get up in it like a grown ass man with no problems in the world but not deal with the consequences. That ain't like you KP, the fuck is going on man?" Elijah lightly hit me in the chest.

I ran my hand over my face letting out a sigh, "I can't make time for anything anymore. Those last two weeks I spent with you guys I didn't talk to her, shit is just spiraling. I can't seem to balance everything, and bringing a child into the mix won't help nothing."

"KP, you can't expect for everything to go so smoothly all the time. At the end f the day we are your friends and understand if you can't see us, we'll still always be friends but you need to be there for your girl. She is the one that can do things for you that the bros just ain't will to do." His humor put ease to the situation.

"Thanks bro it means a lot." We did our group handshake  and I headed back to the room.

When I reached Milas room Luke and woman stood outside her door, by the looks of it Luke was about to reel her in with the wolf charisma.

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