He walks in and smiles, dipping his top hat a bit "Hello ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Gwendal!"
"I am 21 years old."
"Pardon me, but I am a male!" He said as he fixes his chest fur as a hint.
he looks confused since he's right in front of you. "Why, I'm right here!" He said while pointing to himself with a small smile.(Mrs_McClain you can use this pic ^^ if ya like)
he looks down at his attire. "I do understand the confusion. My black cape doesn't exactly look like one but it kind of is." (top hat, bow tie, and shoes)
"My cane and my monocle! They also equal as deadly weapons." He said as a slight smirk appears across his muzzle.
"I am straight, my dear~."
"Oh! That's a delightful question! I love to cook, bake, clean, help the poor, playing games such as darts, singing, playing piano and violin, any instrument really..." (goes on for a little while)
"Being in a dirty environment, when people don't even try the food I've prepared for them-" he then looks at his pirate friend, "Curse (his second most powerful dark form), sometimes I really hate being a villain, my dreaded curse..." (goes on a bit more)
sadly shakes his head. "Unfortunately none. my two different dark forms I do..." (Dark form: uses his curse while constantly laughing to attract objects and can hold them like Silver does with telekinesis and can throw loads of heavy items! Curse uses black/purple flames that are extremely deadly and doesn't go out, but only HE can put out the flames. Also uses other abilities)
"I love to sing and play piano during my free time." (Baking, cleaning, cooking, playing instruments and more)
Turn ons:
his face turns bright red. "It's not lady-like to ask me that!" (Kindness, pleasing his lady/mate, people who wait to do "it" after marriage, stroking his chest fur, nibbling his ear, both being dominated and dominating, being gentle, occasionally a bit rough, neck kisses, etc.)
Turn off:
turns away and tries to wave the question off. "Pardon me but I'd rather not answer!" (Being too rough, blood, bondage, the name "daddy", forced against his will,etc)