Gwendal in Sonic Boom

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I guess it's........ok....
I mean he's cute but the design is iffy yet I like it. He now has an open jacket which exposes his chest fur), different shoe design (which is hard to see due to the sports tape) I might turn the shoes into a different design.  He also still has his top hat and monocle.


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As a bonus, here's Sarah in Sonic Boom

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As a bonus, here's Sarah in Sonic Boom

I know, this is an old picture so it's reeeeeeeeeal bad! I'm going to redraw/redesign it but for now this is what I have! Do they maybe look like a good pair?

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I know, this is an old picture so it's reeeeeeeeeal bad! I'm going to redraw/redesign it but for now this is what I have! Do they maybe look like a good pair?

Oh! And this is an important question (and you'll see why later) does anyone know how old Sonic Boom AMY and STICKS are???

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