Argit's Pesky Rival - And News

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Sarah: Well, well! Argit finally told me a bit about the Peter Pan like fella who took his eye!

Peter: Haha! Just like I did with Hook's hand!

Peter: Haha! Just like I did with Hook's hand!

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Sarah: Calm down, Argit! *makes him put the sword down* Peter Pan, get lost!

Argit: Yarr! Listen to th' lass! Now, th' Scalawag that be responsible fer pluckin' me eye be Darren Drew! *Shows a picture* He be havin' th' fairy, Ginger Sparkledust next to him!

Argit: Yarr! Listen to th' lass! Now, th' Scalawag that be responsible fer pluckin' me eye be Darren Drew! *Shows a picture* He be havin' th' fairy, Ginger Sparkledust next to him!

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Darren Drew: Or Ginger Spark for short! How's it goin' you scurvy pirate? *flies around Argit and Ginger raspberries at him too in a mocking manner*

Argit: GET OFF ME SHIP!!!!!! *Swings his sword wildly*

Sarah: Woah! *ducks* Watch where you're swinging that! they are fighting, I have some news for my readers! I will be writing-

Argit: Th' Menaces be writing!

Sarah: I BE WRITIN' IT, ARGIT! We talked about this! *sighs* Anyways, I'll be writing an Argit pirate adventure story. Bandit will be included. I will NOT let Argit write it because he'll ruin the end!

Argit: Th' end be an abomination! Do not be readin' th' story!

Sarah: -_- They can read it if they want to! Anyways.... The main characters will be Argit, Bandit, Darren Drew, Ginger Spark (we'll call her that for short), and Wild. Side characters will include Antonio (you guys don't know him really but let's just say he's like the Earl to Bandit), Captain Blackheart and his crew, Argit's secret pirate crew, and all other characters mentioned including the Menaces.

Argit: What be yer opinions on th' story?

Peter Pan, Darren Drew, and Ginger Spark: Hahahaha! We'll surely be the heroes!

Argit: *shoves them away* I assure ye....that'll not be so.

Darren Drew: Hey, what's that sound? *grins*


Argit: ARGIIIIIIT! IT BE TH' CROCODILE! *Jumps and clings onto Bandit*

Everyone: Bwahahahahahahaha!

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