NEW CHARACTER REVEAL! Must See! :D He's Important!

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Sarah: Do all of you remember my post a few days ago, in my original Menaces Roleplay Book, saying this?

"Coming soon is yet a brand new character addition to the Menaces!
Once he is revealed I'd like a vote on whether or not I should officially add him. This is just a heads up!
This character is one of my best friend's OCs, like Aubrie was (who Wild is based off), and now I'm using one of her OCs as an inspiration with her permission again.

Stay tuned!"

Well, now is the time to reveal him! Her character is named Zeke. He was a servant like Aubrie but he was shy and studious. He had brownish-blonde hair and wore oval glasses. (Aubrie wears glasses too!)
Unlike Aubrie, Zeke is dead now after having trouble from the experiment he was put through by her scientist character which is the inspiration for Cleon.

MY new character however is alive though Cleon does try to make him into an evil jester. He will have brownish-blonde fur and I'm giving him blue tips on the quills. He will also have glasses. (Wild is supposed to wear glasses too but he refuses!) this Hedgehog is also shy and studious as well like his human counterpart. Instead of Zeke his name will be Zeko in a reference to Zeke and his master Zico. Unlike Wild who has a tummy like Sonic, Zeko will have chest fur. His quills will also bend downward being more like Darkspine Sonic's quills. I'm working on personality and such but here's what he looks like! I worked HARD on this! Please comment below and tell me what you think AND as a voting comment tell me if I should add him or not! His role will be a servant for the Menaces BUT he is more important than that. That will be revealed later though.

(Sorry the photo is a little crooked. I tried taking a good picture)
Zeko is being shy and somewhat nervous here.

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