What Do You Think of This Anti? :D Please See! (preview)

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Sarah: Since Nazo is on break I made something to show you guys! ^^ hehe! He's gonna hate me but I'm making an anti-Nazo. A good guy! Stronger than Nazo too like Scourge is to Sonic! That's because anti-Nazo comes from Scourge like how Nazo did from Sonic (I'm talking about the made up past I made for Nazo which none of you know cuz I'm not sure if you're interested). Please, please tell me what you think of him and tell me if any of you would be interested in RPing with him *gives puppy eyes* I need opinions so I know if it's worth it.
This is a preview and will be colored in later cuz this literally took ALL day. His outfit is a bit different compared to Nazo's but only slightly. Yes I kept the chest fur to the base cuz I like the fluffy fur! ^^

 Yes I kept the chest fur to the base cuz I like the fluffy fur! ^^

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I know, I made a mistake! Just noticed it. -_- I need to fix the quills so the ear farther away looks normal.

Nazo: Sarah, what is the meaning of this?! ò_ó

Sarah: uh oh! Gotta juice! *runs off with a Sonic Boom*

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