Remember how I said I wanted to make:
"-A Tough Cowgirl-
I don't have a name yet but I'm looking them up. She's basically a girl who shows up one day unannounced and sees Wesley and Bandit having a bit of a shoot out as they are talking, Bandit trying to justify his recently done crime while Wesley is saying that he must still uphold the law. She aims and shoots Bandit and calls Wesley out on "how bad he is at upholding the law". Not only is she a threat to any outlaw but also to Wesley's job. She tells him Red Sanford, a sheriff up in modern day Texas in Austin, had sent her there to keep an eye on things and to help if things aren't finally taken care of. She proves to everyone around her including the outlaws and even to the Banda de Quince gang that she is more then serious and will kick butt no matter what, not giving a (censor) bout what other people think. She's very smart and often calls out on anyone's (mostly Wesley's or any of the outlaws) mistakes. I'm still trying to pick a species and name to display and show off her toughness but I haven't decided yet. By the way, her and Becky do NOT get along. O_O"Well....I tried making her. She was going to be either a scorpion, hyena, coyote, wolf, or lynx but the scorpion looked too hard to draw with it's hard exterior and I have enough coyotes. I then wanted her to have dark markings and be an animal that doesn't seem intimidating but in reality can be at times plus I wanted something different so I made her a meerkat.
She's tall like Becky which is taller than Bandit and a bit taller than Wesley. To make her tough looking I gave her a crop top, jeans, high heel boots, short fur/hair and a face that says "don't mess with me ya scoundrel!" *growl* or "don't get on my nerves!" *growl*
I noticed I forgot to finish the mouth but she's supposed to be growling. I'll have to fix it.
I also like how her ears are low like a meerkat's because it was easier drawing the hat then.
Anyways, what do you guys think? I want to make sure she looks tough and intimidating.
The more I look at the pic though the more I'm not liking it.