4. Gems High

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I sort of felt lonely when I went home after spending such a good time at the games club

After spending two hours of togetherness I felt like I was the only one lonely bugger in this whole world surviving a doom. 

"What happened yo? You look like you lost your screws" James mocked me and chuckled.

"Shut up and move your fat butt to your room" I said slapping his shoulder.


It's been three weeks now since we've been in London and today is going to be my first day in Gems High, my new school.

When we were parked in front of the huge gate of my new school I was filled with awe, I was admiring it like a fool but got out of it when mom gave me weird  looks, as James was already out of the car and far away on his way to class.

I bade mom good bye and stepped outside. 

The dudes seemed quite cool here but then suddenly my eyes fell on a guy in the basket ball court and God he played real good.

Basket ball has always been my favorite sport, I just simply love it, I've been playing it since I was a really small cupcake with my dad in the backyard. 

My thoughts were shaken when the loud bell rang and some students gushed into me like some sort of animals locked up from centuries in a gutter. 

I checked my time table and went to my bio class after stuffing my bag in the locker. I always hated bio, it made me want to puke and sleep every time.

After a long time when it was finally time for the last period, I was happy because it was basket ball time. I was put in the blue team playing against the yellows and that cool dude I saw in the morning was in the same team as me. It was a good time pass. 

In my moment of day dreaming, I suddenly bumped into that same guy.

"Ohhh I'm so sorry" he said.

"No problem" I tell him waving it off.

"By the way you played reaaly really well buddy" that guy smiled.

"Ohh that was nothing, I didn't catch your name yet"

"Well,  ohh my name is Jacob Brian, you can call me Jac, whats yours?" he asked.

"My name's Joe Williams, well you can call me Joe" I said and he laughed.

"Ahh your funny, well did I have any other option other than calling you that?" he asked.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.

When the final bell rang he asked me for a ride but my mom had already come to pick me and James so he went his own way.

I'd earned my name real soon as I alone did 17 baskets in 15 minutes. There were some pattings on my back congratulating me for the way I'd played earlier.

Man they made me fell like I was the king of this world, okay maybe just the king of baskets. 

On the way home mom asked both of us how our first day was James narrated a movie and all I said was"it was quite good mom"

"I'm glad for the both of you" she replied smiling at us.

On reaching home I was really tired so I went straight ahead and had a hot scorching bath in my very own bathroom, which made my muscles to relax. I changed to my most comfy clothes.

Mom had ordered pizzas for dinner, having three slices I went to bed and had an amazing sleep and no more of the monstrous dreams.


In a month I've been the famous person on campus just because of my damn good looks and basket ball skills. It felt good now that people liked me.

I had a thing about hugs and they would hug me as a matter of acknowledgement like I'm Michael Jordan. It was a great thing especially when girls hugged, that's a joke. Well partially.

From behind Jac came and jumped on me saying "Hi buddy".

"Hi to you too Jac"

Life's going great unlike how I'd expected it to be.

After a crazy day at school, I and my best friend Jacob spent some hours near River Thames. We sang songs like some lovesick guys and drank cold drinks so that we have crazy energy to ride our very own red Ducati that we bought together a week earlier after a long argument on which color it should be, but finally landed on red.

After the crazy ride and the crazy race we had with the strangers who were least interested in our competition we 'booed' them and bade each other goodbye and headed to our homes.

When I entered my room I was shocked as in my room Grace sat crying her eyes out. I worriedly went and sat on the bed beside her , examining whether it really is Grace or some murderer dressed up as her to kill me.

But I failed she really was Grace I asked her "what's wrong Grace, why you crying like that?"

She only sobbed in response and later said "Joe, I'm so boring and I don't know how to deal with it".

It left me dumbstruck. I cleared my throat and said "mind telling me why?"

She hugged me in reply and made my tee wet with her bucket of tears, actually a whole ocean of tears, I hugged her back and reassured her that she was fun to be with and not boring.

After all she's my only good sister, actually the only sister that I know of, I'm least interested in knowing more of my far cousins, who are very far because I don't even know them.

I told her that she could sleep on my bed tonight as it was too late for her to go back. She wasn't sobbing anymore. Her eyes had reddened  by the tears. She slept soundlessly on the bed and I on the couch. After hearing the story of what she said before drifting off to sleep, I didn't get the idea how could Sebastian calling her boring hurt her so much? She's such a baby sometimes. 

But she's always sarcastic and has lots of guts, just a week ago when we were at a restaurant, Grace found an insect in the soup she made the manager drink it all and his reaction was priceless.

I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking how that Gangster could have come into her life. London was filled with Gangsters because their family was huge and they're millionaires. Sebastian Gangster, as his name was just told Grace that she's boring and that took a toll on her, how more ridiculous could she be?

So guys I hope you liked this chapter, and sorry if it's sort of boring....I'll give you better soon.

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