2.The Journey

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I went and sat on my window seat which gave me a glamorous morning view. As the plane started on the runway, my stomach twisted, I could feel the adrenaline rush into me like a spitfire when the flight finally took off. I was having all crazy feelings in my stomach anyone could possibly imagine, don't know why though. 

New York City looked magnificent, I could see one of the Manhattan towers from here when we were high enough to see it, it was a beautiful tower but I couldn't recall it's name at this moment it was stuck somewhere deep in the head which I was least bothered to dig and search. 

I relaxed myself on the seat, getting all cozy and took deep inhales.

I took a glance at mom, she gave me her ever pretty toothed grin showing her lovely dimples, she's beautiful. But then why do I look like a potato I thought to myself.

James on the other hand smirked at me "yo bro hows the feeling?" he asked.

"All cool bro!" I said grimacing at him.

Dad was sitting with mom followed by James and then me.

I was getting bored now because the NYC view had gone, I took out my iphone 6s and my beats headphone to listen to Justin Bieber's melodious voice which made my body to chill.

The seat belt was finally unhooked by me when the seat belt sign had gone off. I had a huge urge to go to loo!

I've always seemed to love these flight toilets but the flush made me jump to my seat as it was frightening, it looked like a monster's growl, damn it! 

After coming back I noticed that James was laughing at me his head thrown back like he has no care in this world!

"What happened? You gone nuts?" I asked.

"Dude there's a ..." he burst into laughter again.

" There's what? you idiot" I asked getting irritated.

"There's a tissue hanging out of your pants..ahahahaha.." and he continued laughing like a lunatic who sold his brains to the milkman.

I quickly removed the tissue hanging outside my pants and threw it on his face.

"Yuckky" he screeched and pushed it away.

The other passengers were purely annoyed I could make out, and the eggplant faced man especially, but he still kept on laughing like a donkey. I hoped that the air hostess comes and stuffs a fat turkey in his mouth. He's too irritating at times.

Finally after a couple of lifelong hours we reached the London airport. It was night time and the city from up here shone with glamorous night life and beauty. It looked quite breathtaking to be honest. 

To pick us up from the airport came aunt Cassandra and Grace. They'd put their best ever smiles when we waved at them. Uncle David had gone out of town as he had some business amendments to handle.

"Woah! Grace you've grown so tall" I said while giving my hand for a handshake.

"I can't help it Joe, my bones keep growing no matter how hard I try to stop them." she said sarcastically.

I hardly had times with her when she spoke 'English', she always speaks a language called 'sarcasm', matching it with her facial expressions. Mainly smirks and frowns.

The car drive was long and boring, everybody were chattering as though they met after a millennium! Telling stories, some that never happened too. I wondered what crime I did that i'd born in this family which is so absurd. Okay that's too much of over exaggeration but to an extend true. I had no one to speak to, I felt like an invisible guy, moreover like an undiscovered species, so I went back on to listening JB's music which engulfed me in its rhythm.

We had a first glance at our new home on reaching the destination, it was quite huge, painted in white and crimson, I like the combination. I climbed up the flight of stairs and found my bedroom, I was happy for once that I won't have to share my bedroom with James anymore. He scatters his underwear all around the room which brings me a great deal of disgust! 

I even have my own balcony in this room and WOW!!! a personal bathroom. I love bathrooms it's the only place where I find my peace of mind, I do all the thinking in the bathroom and also take important decisions, like how to steal the last slice of pizza from James, seriously man I love bathrooms they are so peaceful.

From my balcony I could see another window it was a room's window because there was a bed and it was probably a boy's room because it was almost like how James would keep his room, just the difference was that there were no underwear hanging or laying  here and there. It was comparatively cleaner than James's room.

There was a study table on which everything was kept but books and on the bed a 100's of books, damn someone should teach him where things belong, maybe he keeps cold drinks in his cupboard and clothes in the fridge! There were formula 1 race car's posters stuck on the huge walls in huge sizes. The guy might be quite fascinating I thought. 


Hope you guys like this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and follow love you all!! <3

Next update will come soon enough guys!

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