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  -11 Month's Later-

Spring had brisked by like a breeze, and summer had dawned. Winter was taking it's toll upon the Eastern lands, which was now covered in snow. Within these lands, the demonkyn were all lamenting and mortified over the death of the last Suzuki family member. The ones within the Suzuki castle had not heard from the others either. The news of the events which occurred eleven months ago, arrived with her blade and a small note.
They had eleven months to grief, before they accepted the princess's fate. All, but one.
Fumiko Suzuki, queen of the Eastern Suzuki castle stood at the center of the castle's garden. Where a princess and a dog demon had once sat, she stood there and pondered in the snow. Her eyes had long stopped shedding tears for the princess, and were narrowed and tired. Unlike the rest of the castle, the Queen did not believe of her daughters death.
To her, this was all a misunderstanding. The Suzuki princess was alive, out there, waiting to be found.
As the snow fell around her, Fumiko looked up at the slowly falling dots. The cherry blossom she was standing under had no more petals on it. Instead, some of them were mixed with the snow at her feet.
With her face pale, and her cheeks rose red, the queen stayed there under the branches of the tree, in the cold of the winter. Her husband, Cai ,watched solemnly from the halls of the palace. Had his wife seeped to such despair?
Fumiko followed her gaze down, as a small white bird flew towards her. She held out a hand, letting it rest upon her index finger. The small pale bird tilted it's head and looked up at Fumiko. And, as if in communication, Fumiko smiled at the small creature.
Pleased, the little bird flapped it's wings and flew away to it's new destination. The small smile remained on Fumiko's face as she watched the white bird until it was lost in the colors of the snow.
With her content smile, Fumiko set her hand on her chest and walked towards her husband, who welcomed her with open arms. She fell victim into his embrace, stroking her hand through his hair, which matched the winter snow.
Cai held her in silence, feeling the warmth between them. The warmth that longed for the absent member, the symbol of their love. Fumiko finally rested her head against his shoulder and continued to smile contently.
" The princess' return..." she pondered. "That sounds nice."  

The small demon village was as busy as ever. Winter was upon the villagers, and they were at their busiest preparing for the worst to come. In this village, resided a young demon priestess. She wasn't a day over 150, yet looked no younger than at least eighteen. Aside from being a demon, she had a kind heart, and was blessed with the powers of a priestess. Powers, that had come much in handy as this journey continues.
The young priestess' name is Momochi. Momochi looked the part of an innocent young girl, with lavender hair and violet eyes. Yet, she was a strong, independent young woman. She was soft-spoken, inquisitive, and overall protective. She held this village dear to her heart, and tried her best to protect what remained of it.
Having hated violence, her and the people residing within the village were not ones to start trouble. Unlike some humans, or other demons, that have made Momochi's village so much smaller in the past two years.
Now, as she walked to the small stream which passed through the center of the village. A small wooden red bridged was built across the stream, so she could get to and fro her home, on the other side. The name 'Natamaya' painted onto a wooden sign at the end of the bridge. As momochi neared her house, she could spot the others nearby.
Kirito, a man with short blonde hair and crimson eyes, was standing at the edge of the stream, gazing into the clear water. The other's had now entered the home.
Momochi took her time crossing the small bridge, holding in her hand the small shard she had collected while she was out. She let it gleam in the sun, before setting it away within her kimono.
Momochi crossed the stream, and set foot on her home's land at the end of the village. It had been much peaceful lately, much to her liking. She was able to heal most of those who were wounded or sick, and so she arrived home earlier today.
Kirito's voice was the first to draw her attention. "Ah, you have returned, Momochi." he acknowledged, standing under the cherry blossom tree at the edge of the stream. Momochi turned to him and nodded.
"Yes. The village is in a good state for now. So, I wanted to come home." she said.
Kirito nodded in reply. He had become much more collected in the past year, for a number of reasons. Watching him, Momochi couldn't help but smile. He was always here, watching over the home and the ones in it.
Momochi suddenly remembered something and she straightened up. "Is she sleeping?" she asked Kirito.
Kirito blinked and looked at her. "Ah, no. She's been asking about you. There she is now." He said, turning to the house.
Momochi followed his gaze to the outside halls of the small home. There, a tall girl stood at the doorway of one of the sliding doors. She was wearing a light blue kimono, nothing too fancy, tied around her waist with a ribbon. Her hands were softly placed on the sliding door as she looked outside of the room. She tilted her head, her short black hair touching her shoulders.
"Momochi, you're back." she smiled.
Momochi did the same and walked over to her side, Kirito following behind her. The three of them sat on the wooden floor of the halls, and watched the stream.
"Were you asleep for long, Kamina?" Momochi asked, brushing a strand of hair out of Kamina's face. Kamina shook her head,and looked off at the spring. Momochi frowned. After knowing her for a almost a year, she knew when something troubled her. Kamina didn't need to say it out loud.
"What was it you dreamed?" Momochi asked, putting a hand on Kamina's shoulders.
Kamina replayed the dream in her head mentally. The flashes of light, licking around her like flames. There was nothing but darkness around her, yet the flames circled her body. And in front of her, the flames flared up into the shape of a sword. The dream ended and Kamina looked up.
"It was nothing I havn't seen before." She said, standing up. Momochi and Kirito quickly did the same.
"Don't push yourself Kamina! Your wounds are still recovering." Momochi scolded her, sitting her back down beside Kirito.
Kamina giggled, holding the side of her stomach. "Momochi, it's been eleven months. I don't believe standing will worsen things for me." She assured.
Momochi didn't buy it, and looked to the side quietly. Kirito sat up and looked at Kamina with a small smile. "Heh, you made her shy again." he laughed. Kamina nodded and straightened, putting a hand on Momochi's arm.
"She knows I'm very grateful. Right, Momochi?" Kamina asked, innocently smiling. Momochi sighed but gave in. "Yes, I know." She said.
The cold night wind blew by, sending cherry blossom petals dancing around them and onto the stream. After deciding it was getting too cold to be outside, the three of them moved inside. Kirito set up a fire in the pit at the center of the room, and then sat on the mat beside it. Momochi was busy setting the newly found shard within a small wooden box she had hidden in the floorboards. Kamina, however, was sitting beside the window watching the cherry blossom petals blow in the wind. The tree had lasted much longer this winter, and she enjoyed watching it while she still could. It gave her a feeling within her chest. Not necessarily sadness, but longing. The images returned to her mind and she sat there in silence.
" The villagers believe it will start to snow tomorrow." Momochi spoke, sitting by the fire to warm her hands. The image of the flames reflected in her lavender eyes as she looked into the fire.
"How are the conditions this year?" Kirito asked, sitting across from her.
Momochi was silent for a moment before she spoke. "It'll be tough, but I'm sure most of us will pull through. My biggest concern is the wounded." she said softly. "It could get too cold for them, and supplies are running low."
At these words, Kamina sat up. She was listening to every word. Knowing the villages well being and lack of supply was also partly her fault. Her wounds were mostly healed by Momochi herself, having to purify most of her body. But the medical supplied the village had stored for the wounded had been donated to help her live.
She had made no contact with the people she had known a year ago. But she did often spy a small bird keeping an eye on her. As if speaking of the devil, the small animal landed on the edge of the window, and tilted it's head at Kamina. Kamina looked at it, holding out her finger to it as it hopped on happily.
As Momochi continued to speak with Kirito, Kamina suddenly spoke up. "We can go to the East." she exclaimed.
Momochi and Kirito looked at her both very puzzled. She never spoke of her past. Was it her home, family, or friends, she never spoke of it. They weren't even sure of her age. Kirito and Momochi only knew she was older than both of them, if not the same age as Kirito. Though, that was probably unlikely.
Before Momochi had a chance to reply, the twins entered the house quickly. "It's freezing out there!" Ichi yelled, hugging herself as she plopped down beside the fire. Even though she was the eldest, she was still the most childish. Her wavy hair spread out around her as she curled against the floor. Ni, the youngest, silently smiled and sat beside her sister. Her hair was red as well, but more straight.
Momochi handed Ichi a quilt to wrap herself in and closed the door. Kamina looked at them and smiled softly. In the eleven months
she had been here, these were the ones who had nurtured her. These four demons with different personalities each. Kamina turned back to the view out the window as her smile faded. She felt happy here, but something was missing. The little bird on her finger chirped and caught her attention again. It looked at her and titled it's head before flying away. Kamina watched it leave, and fly out of sight.
Maybe that's why she felt this way. She was hiding, wasn't she?  

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