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  "Kamina! " Fumiko cried,gripping her daughters' arms.

Kamina's hand clutched over her own chest as the pain intensified with a pulse. Her eyes widened and let out bright crimson glow. Her markings became visible once more as she clenched her teeth.
Cai put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her up. "Kamina are you-" the screams from outside could be heard in the garden now. Toushi rushed in, holding on to his sword with wide eyes.
"They've shot at us. It's starting fires-" he asked. "His army is here!" He yelled at them as the screaming intensified. Hagime came in next. His eyes searched desperately for Kamina, his right eye glowing.
Kamina looked up, meeting his gaze through heavy gasps. "He's calling me." She breathed, pulling away from her parents, and stumbling towards Hajime's arms. He caught her, sustaining her up.
"Sutendoburedo?" Fumiko asked. "Can he do that? Summon her?" She asked, desperately looking at her king for answers. Cali's face was grim. Hajime's and Kamina were both sweating.
"With the type of contract they have... He can." Cai explained. Toushi cursed under his breath.
Kamina took a deep breath and stood. "Toushi," she started, meeting his gaze. "Go with Hajime and gather up the soldiers. On my signal, you go into battle." She said. Toushi nodded and the sound of Hajime's voice stopped him from running out the entrance.
Kamina looked up at Hajime's as he cupped her face. "Don't make me leave...." He beseeched. "Let me go with you." He whispered, and she felt his breath against her skin.
Kamina put her hands over his and pulled them down. "I'll be alright, Hajime..." She started, and gathered up strength in her voice. "Join my men." She told him. Hajime's eyes dug into her pleadingly. "Go." She ordered him when he wouldn't budge, her voice coated with command. The glow in his eye brightened for a second as he grunted and took a hasty step back. He stared at her through pained eyes before joining Toushi and taking his leave.
"Kamina," Cai said. Momochi came in then, meeting the gazes of all three. Kamina straightened. "Momochi." She said. "Take my mother and keep her safe here. Tend to her. She said, as she walked past. Cai gave his wife a quick kiss before following. "You should be with mom." Kamina told him, a soldier bringing her a sword and her designated armor. Cai had a second man do the same.
"I'll lead the second unit as Hajime takes the first." Cai said. Kamina shot him a worried and angry look. Cai adjusted the sword to his waist and tapped her chin. " A proper king protects his Queens." He stated, before leaving her.
Kamina took a deep breath as she tied the belt to her armor. Her sword was fastened to her waist, along with a dagger. She pulled her hair up, tying it with a ribbon as she walked toward the gates. Legs. Arms. Chest. Shoulders. When all the armored pieces were on, she readied to take a leap. Sesshomaru's voice could be heard from the distance, calling after her. She looked to her right, and saw him, pushing past the militia of her men. He had returned to wearing his armor from before. From the days in which he battled Inuyasha. The boa was back over his shoulder. He practically threw men aside until he reached her.
And, faster than lightning, he tucked his hand behind her neck and met her lips. He kissed her roughly, meeting her movement, almost with hunger, before pulling away with pain in his eyes.
"You can't stop me." Kamina stated.
"You think I don't know that?" He asked. He used his free hand to place it over Tensaiga. "I'm fighting with you." He explained. Kamina's lips pulled into a smile as she kissed him once more. " join the first unit, soldier." She said against his lips. The markings at her eyes intensified but she ignored them. Sesshomaru slipped his hand away from her neck and left, joining her men with a final look at her.
​ At that, Kamina turned and leaped, over the gates.  

   On the other side of the gates houses were being burned and raided, women and children were screaming, and demons tore each other apart. Just as Kamina passed the town square of her village, the first unit was dispatched, and advanced vigorously toward the enemy.
Kamina forced herself to look away from the scene of mass destruction, and focus on the storm clouds circling over the Tree of Ginryo. The Ginryo Tree was the largest tree in the land, and was named after Kamina's Grandfather, who was known as the Silver Dragon. Although it normally stood as a large landmark of the Suzuki Kingdom, it was now surrounded by darkness. The large branches of the tree swung back and forth in the wind, as thunder clapped throughout the skies.
Kamina could now see Ni's figure leaning against the trunk of the tree, and as she closed in on her, the affects of Sutendoburedo were obvious.
In the short time it had been, Ni seemed as if she had aged significantly. The bright gleam in her eyes was gone, and her hair had lost its shine. The heavy bags underneath her eyes were paired with veins matching Kamina's. Ni looked ill...as if she were on the brink of death. Sutendoburedo was using her as his vessel. He was literally draining the life out of her.
Kamina landed swiftly, rising to her feet with a hand around the sword on her hip. Ni's arms were crossed over her small chest. She was slimmer. So slim, it seemed as if her bones were struggling to tear out of her body. Her cheekbones were sharper, and her shoulders were thin and narrow. It pained Kamina to see her this way.
"Release her body! You've stolen enough strength from the girl."
Sutendoburedo only chuckled at Kamina's demands. He pulled away from the tree, uncrossing his arms to look at his hands. "I rather enjoy this small body. And now that the soul within it has stopped fighting me, it's so much more comfortable." He smirked, making Kamina's jaw clench.
Kamina unsheathed her sword, digging it's tip into the ground. "I am releasing the binds of our contract. You will return to your original body."
Sutendoburedo only laughed. He tilted his head back in laughter, his canines aggressively intensifying his features. "I don't think you know your place, Kamina."
Kamina's grip on her sword tightened. " Our contract makes me your master. "
Sutendoburedo's eye twitched. He quickly recovered and closed his eyes, tilting his head down so Ni's bangs cast a shadow over his face. "Our contract makes me your equal. But it's alright...I prefer violence anyways..."

Kamina barely had time to step aside as Sutendoburedo's blade slashed the air beside her cheek. Ni's body had its advantages, but he was exerting its limits. Kamina shoved the hilt of her sword against his gut, making him stumble in his step. His eyes widened as Kamina's hand made contact with his face, a bright light sprouting out of Ni's eyes and mouth.
Ni and Sutendoburedo's voice mixed in agony as Kamina gripped Ni's face. Her own eyes glowed a bright crimson as she tore apart the final bonds of the contract- the bonds which would release Sutendoburedo into his physical form for only a short time.
As she finished, the darkness surged out of Ni, racing towards the skies above them. Ni's body fell limp into Kamina's arms as lightning clashed around them. The clouds swirled in heavy masses as the skies became a dark black. The lightning furiously lashed at the earth as the clouds continued their formation.
Ni's body stirred and Kamina knelt down at the trunk of Ginryo Tree, holding her frail form within the sanctuary of her arms. As Ni's emerald eyes opened, Kamina's body was hit with a wave of relief. "Hey, baby..." she whispered, stroking her hair away from her face. "You're alright now. You're safe." she continued, receiving a weak smile from Ni.
Ni coughed holding her hand up to her mouth. When she pulled it away, the small amount of blood spit by her body coated her hand. Kamina's face fell, and she tightened her grip on Ni's body. "We're going to get you-"
"Kamina..." Ni struggled to talk, the wind itself being louder than her own voice. "It hurts so much." She said, tears brimming on the edge of her eyes.
Kamina's heart shattered into a million pieces at the sound of pain in her voice. "Im tired...." Ni sighed, the blood running a swift trail down her chin. "I'm tired of being strong."  
Kamina's own eyes brimmed with tears as she wiped the blood away and realization set in. Its impossible to save Ni. She herself lacks the strength to live, and welcomes the comfort of death.  The damage to her body was too much, and he soul has weakened.  Sutendoburedo drained the life out of her, all for power.   
Ni turned her face away from Kamina and looked at the sky through the leaves of the Giryo Tree. "Ichi..." she whispered, her eyes tiredly remaining open as she took slow, uneven breaths. Kamina looked at her, tears running down her face. "Can you take care of her?" Ni whispered, not meeting her gaze.
Kamina swallowed and nodded. "Of course, Ni." She responded, squeezing her hand. Ni smiled and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before coughing weakly again.
Kamina clenched her jaw, her bangs covering her eyes in dark shadows. "Kamina...?" Ni called out, her gaze getting lost in the drops of water now pouring down on them.
"Yes, Ni?" Kamina's hoarse voice asked as she held back tears.
Ni's smile grew as the rain landed gently on her cheeks. "Im glad I met you." She stated, responding to Kamina's squeeze with one of her own. Kamina smiled, lifting her face to reveal the mess which was her sobbing face. " You were the mother I never had..." Ni sighed happily. A Kamina gazed at her with so much emotion, describing it in words wouldn't do it justice. "I love you..." Ni sighed as she began to drift. The rain falling over them were becoming small blurs, and she could no longer distinguish the leaves of the tree.
"Ni." Kamina sat up. "Ni, look at me!" Kamina pleaded as Ni's eyes were becoming glazed.
Ni began to slowly close her eyes and drift away. "Take care of Ichi... Kamina." she sighed, her spirit finally leaving her body.
"Ni!" Kamina shouted, holding her lifeless hand. In exasperation, she lifted her body and held Ni closely. "Ni..." she sobbed against her hair, rocking her small, frail child within her arms. "I promise..." Kamina whispered. The pain had left her body, and Ni now rested with a smile on her face. Kamina pulled away her tear-stained face and looked up to the dark clouds with determination. She gently rested Ni's body on the grass beneath the Giryo Tree and stood. Sutendoburedo was the reason her people were suffering. He was the reason that Ni, someone so young, was stripped away from her. Her eyes intensified their glow, and her canines and claws grew as she reached for her blade and leaped into the clouds.  

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