A Flame in the Dark

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  The next morning, the winter snow outside fell to the ground at an everlasting pace. Most of the Palace had been cleaned up by the servants yesterday, though there were still things left to be tended to. It was now early dawn, and the sun was barely reaching out to the skies. Kamina stirred in her sleep, slowly coming to. It seemed like no amount of sleep would be enough for her, though she'd had plenty.
Kamina ran her hands over the warm fabric of her sheets, gripping them in her fist as she nuzzled into them. They smelled amazing; comforting, warm, and familiar. Slowly, she opened her dark eyes, to realize exactly how warm her futon really was. As well as the weight of the arm around her waist.
Slowly, and carefully, she rolled over. Making sure the arm didn't leave it's spot around her. Kamina looked up, meeting Sesshomaru's peaceful face while he slept. His bangs fell over his eyes, with a few strands of his hair. It was just begging for her to reach out touch, pulling the hair out of his face. Which, she did. Without the armor on his arm, Kamina could feel his muscles as his arm stretched out over her.
She kept in mind his warmth, under all the sheets. Which, she wanted so much of. Kamina pulled the sheets closer to herself before laying closer to Sesshomaru, placing a hand on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat, beating at a steady pace. The steady rhythm made her close her eyes, and almost smile.
"You're awake..." Sesshomaru spoke, sleepily. Kamina looked up to meet his amber eyes and nodded. Sesshomaru met her gaze, and brought his hand to clear her bangs away from her face. " Morning."
Kamina smiled, for sure this time. " Morning." She replied. She ran her hand down his arm as he stroked her cheek. "You know," She started. Sesshomaru looked at her closely, giving her his full attention. " One kiss, isn't an invitation to share my bed." She told him, wearing the same mischievous smirk from the young Kamina.
Sesshomaru's lips cracked into a faint smirk as he lifted her chin. "Nothing happened... but are you saying a second kiss would let me stay?" Kamina smiled back at him putting a hand on his neck, letting his lips meet her own.

  Outside the room, Fumiko, Ichi, and Momochi smiled mischievously, practically rubbing their hands together. Momochi closed her eyes with a content smile and closed the small spot in the door. Fumiko stood up and crossed her arms proudly. "It's about time." she sighed. Ichi stood up after her and raised an eyebrow. "You were rooting for this?" she chuckled.
Fumiko waved her hand. "Well, I've been watching them for a long time."
Ichi nodded. "Well... it's true they're not getting any younger."
Fumiko smiled, clapping her hands together lightly, causing Momochi to shush them. Fumiko ignored it almost completely. "I might have a grandchild soon!" She almost squealed. Ichi's eyes widened and she joined her, the two of them holding hands, and jumping excitedly.
"They didn't even do anything." Momochi stood up last and sighed hopelessly. "And am I the only one in character?..." she asked, scratching her cheek with her index finger as Fumiko and Ichi argued about a gender for the baby.
Momochi sighed deeply. "If only Kamina heard the two of you...."


  Later that day, Kamina and Sesshomaru went their separate ways to help with what they could in the palace. The Suzuki Palace was a mess. Things still needed to be cleaned and repaired and everyone within the palace was anxious for answers. Everyone wanted the King to make a decision on what would be done.
It was no surprise to Kamina when she heard word of a meeting in the throne room. Her militia had been prepared, and she knew Hajime had been training them the past few weeks. When she entered the throne room, she could see all her new soldiers lined in their rows. Hajime wasn't there, who had been assigned their Captain. In total there were six long rows of soldiers, three at each side of the room, leading up to the throne. Once the rows of Militia ended, the King's highest division was aligned as well.
On the throne, sat Cai, beside Fumiko. Surrounding them were two soldiers, who were posted around the queen at all times now. Standing a bit off to the side from Cai, was another soldier. His uniform and stance was of Higher class. Kamina recognized him as the new Leader Cai had chosen for the army. He was handpicked, by the king himself. Kamina thought the the soldier and her father went farther back than they made it seem . His name was Souji.
After the guards opened the doors for her, she walked down the rows of men. Each one dipped their heads at her when she walked by. When she almost reached the end of the rows, Kamina abruptly stopped at the blonde head of hair that dipped his head down at her. His crimson eyes wouldn't meet Kamina's as he starred down at the ground. A few rows away was Toushi, and he rose his head slightly, nervously thinking what Kamina might say.
Kamina glanced down at Kirito, her eyes widening slightly. "Kir-"
"Kamina." Cai interrupted her, catching her attention. Kamina slowly turned away from Kirito and all the soldiers straightened their stance in unison. Kamina walked to the end of the rows and stood in front of her father. "You've prepared quite the Militia. " Her father told her. Kamina glanced at them over her shoulder.
"It seems I have..." She said, locking eyes with Kirito. He'd get hell for this later. She just turned back to her parents. "And is this General Souji?" she asked.
The soldier stepped towards her and bowed, his long black hair falling over his shoulder. He had a stern face, but kindness in his dark eyes. "It's an honor, Lady Kamina. " He said. Kamina nodded her head, and replied with a 'likewise'.
" We should discuss the condition of the palace and our people first. " Kamina said once they had been acquainted. She looked at Cai. The wall is intact. Meaning there was already a breach from within. " She told them . "The Tsuyoi soldiers infiltrated sometime last night, likely on supply carts, and caught us off guard. "
"Tsuyoi is the name of our soldiers. They're traitors, who are in work with Sutendoburedo. " Cai responded. At the mention of Sutendoburedo, everybody raised their heads. Kamina froze in place.
"Sutendoburedo is working with demons? He thinks himself so highly. It's impossible."  Fumiko gasped.
"So it would seem." Souji interrupted. " But it's true. He's playing a game here. "
"How do we know for sure?" Fumiko spoke out, looking at Kamina, then at Souji and Cai.
" We spotted Ni standing at our wall while the enemy was retreating. They left together." Souji responded.  "If Sutendoburedo had attacked himself,  Kamina would have sensed it.  It would have awoken an instant reaction from her. So he sent the Tsuyoi to do his dirty work."   Cai kept his eyes fixed on Kamina. Fumiko leaned back in her seat in silence, running a hand over her unnoticed stomach in worry. Kamina caught on to that.
"What do you suggest we do, Kamina?" Her father asked. Everyone looked at him, before starring at Kamina.
Kamina clenched her fist and took a step forward. "The 1st Division betrayed the Suzuki family. They've killed countless of our people. She turned to the soldiers, who stood straight. "Anyone from the 1st Division, will be killed on sight. Let me make that clear to you all. If I even get the feeling you plot against the kingdom, I'll let you join the members of 1st Division in hell, is that clear?" She asked, her men responding instantly.
Souji cleared his throat. "In that case. " He started, Kamina turned to him. " My division has been able to locate Sutendoburedo. He wants to be found and he's waiting for the princess' blood. " He said.
All at once, everyone stared at Kamina. Cai took Fumiko's hand. "Then we'll give him war." Kamina said.
"Prepare for battle. We leave tonight."  

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