Two Hearts

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   -  Present Time-

Kamina's breath appeared in front of her as she ran through the kingdom. She knew someone would arrive in her mother's room soon, knowing she was the one the barrier affected most. It was weakening her, little by little.

Knowing this, Kamina ran across the roofs of the palace, avoiding the deep snow below, to increase her speed. Pushing down with her foot, she gracefully flipped, and jumped over the walls of the shrine. Landing in the snow, her kimono spread out around her, Kamina rose her head and looked up.
This was the very end of the palace. The section, protected only by the scrolls the Queen set up. It was the holy shrine. This was the place where Kamina herself was blessed, after being born. Now, being the most spiritual place in the palace, Fumiko had been using it to tie down Sutendoburedo. And, she had kept this all , hidden from Kamina.
The shrine had large steps which led up to the clear wooden floorboards. Red pillars held the roof up, and almost the entire shrine was open. At the center, which would normally be where they would bless the children, the area was occupied by a small wooden room. The doors had intricate designs, carved into perfect words. A mist of silk curtains kept what was within the room private. Around that, was a thick rope, from which small bells dangled. As Kamina made her way up the steps and her eyes fixed on the room, she noticed all the different scrolls around it.
The dark aura emanating from within was visible enough, seeping around like a mist. Yet, the faint green glow of the scrolls kept it in place. Kamina stopped a few feet from the rope that surrounded it all, and looked around. The shrine was completely empty. The torches and lanterns used to bring light to it, were all out. The golden plates, clear enough to show your reflection, were covered with dust as they rested on the pillars. The place was completely still. Kamina could guess why. It's safer if no one is near the demonic sword.
Once she was done familiarizing herself with the place, Kamina turned her head back to the room. She took a step forward, and extended her hand out to cut the rope. As soon as she attempted to do so, the energy of the scrolls focused on her and sent her flying back. She skid to a stop in the snow, feet away from the steps. Kamina winced, and pulled herself up. The energy from the scrolls calmed down, and everything was still again. Kamina sighed and stood up. She walked forward once more, passing the many pillars with the golden plates.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw her reflection, causing her to stop. Kamina turned her body to face the plates, and passed her hand over it, glancing back at her reflection. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold weather, and her skin was pale. Her lips were red as blood, and her hair was short-but black. The only thing that shocked her, was her eyes. at the corner, passed the black streaks of her eyeliner, the veil of red cracks was beginning to appear. It was faint, but was beginning to darken.
Kamina's hand rose to her face, touching the cracks beside her eyes. it was her own skin, for she new she wouldn't actually feel cracks. It was just the color her skin adapted to, that resembled veins, or cracks. Kamina's head snapped to the room, knowing it really was him, and he was angry. She stood before the rope once more, glaring deeply at the room. As she attempted to hold her hand out again, a voice behind her made her freeze.
"I wouldn't do that, Kamina. We wouldn't want you being hurt again, would we?"
Kamina turned around, seeing Ni stand only feet away, at the steps. Her hair falling over her shoulders, and her kimono loosely around her. "Ni?..." Kamina asked, taking a step towards her. The smirk on Ni's lips made her freeze again.
"Oh, the girl? Worry not, it's no longer her body." Sutendoburedo spoke, using Ni's voice silken in hate.
Kamina extended her fingers, readying her claws as she took a stance ready to attack.


  "How dare you?!" Kamina growled, taking a step closer. Sutendoburedo simply chuckled.
"If you hurt me, you'd be hurting your pretend daughter." He reminded Kamina in a taunting way.
Kamina froze, lowering her hand to her side. He was right. And, even if Kamina could attack him, she couldn't look at Ni's body while she did so.
Seeing her entranced by her thoughts, Sutendoburedo lunged forward. He held out a hand, cupping it around Kamina's neck as he pushed her back into a pillar. Kamina winced, feeling the pain of the cracked wood circulate around her body. "That doesn't mean I can't hurt you." He chuckled, a crazed expression befalling Ni's face.
Kamina lowered her gaze on him. She brought her hand to his wrist, applying pressure to get him to release. As she did so, Sutendoburedo only tightened his grip.
"Re...release her..." Kamina choked out. A single strand of blood ran down her forehead from the wound on her head. Sutendoburedo shook his head slowly. "
I think not. Instead, let's make a deal, shall we?"

As Sesshomaru, Hajime, and the palace guards rushed around, they pushed open the gates of the shrine and entered. Almost instantly, Seeshomaru rushed forward, through the snow. They all did the same, looking around and searching for the princess.
The group froze when they saw her laying against the broken pillar, blood running down her face. The markings on her face were slowly darkening, and were now clear enough to see. Her hair had inexplicably grown longer, to the point in which it flowed to a stop around her. She looked like a finely made china doll. The decor in her hair was no longer there, and her eyeliner (although faint) complimented the markins in a mysteriously elegant way.
Seeing this, Sesshomaru leaped out of the snow, landing beside her as he furrowed his brows. "Kamina." he whispered, placing a hand on her cold, pale cheek and lifting her head up.
Bringing Kamina into his arms, she opened her eyes just enough to see, and looked up at him. Being met with his amber ones, she felt calmer, yet more vulnerable at the same time. Sesshomaru's expression was a pained one as he held her there, inspecting the defeated look under her dark bangs. As he contemplated this, Kamina parted her lips and spoke.
"He took her, Sesshy...he took her..." She croaked, barely making it audible, and her dark eyes brimming with tears. Her shoulders shook as she began to sob, hiding her face within her cold hands. Sesshomaru picked her up, letting her curl close to him as he walked away from the others.
While Sesshomaru's figure became smaller in the distance, Hajime stayed in his spot. His blue eyes didn't leave Kamina's small body until Sesshomaru was completely out of sight. Feelings of hurt, and worry were left in his heart, as he had to peel his eyes away from the two.  

   Sesshomaru returned Kamina to her room, where Momochi and Kirito were waiting to treat her. The doors to her bedroom slid open, and Sesshomaru set her down so she could stand. Inside, there were many people. Cai, Fumiko, Momochi, Kirito, the old palace doctor, and Toushi all awaited for her in the room.
Their eyes widened when they saw Kamina. The blood which traveled down her face scared Fumiko, making her stand up. Kamina's hair nearly touched the ground now, as she walked forward. Her pale lips were creased into a small frown, and her brows were furrowed. Sesshomaru stood at the entrance, worriedly watching her. Chio, the doctor, pulled himself up from his small chair.
"My girl, your wounds." He frowned, using his hand to move her hair and inspect the injury. "Momochi, fetch me the hot water." Chio spoke. "Kirito, get something for her to sit on."
As momochi carried the bowl of hot water to the table beside Chio, Kamina avoided her gaze and simply stood there. The room was in complete silence as Chio cleaned off the blood, and wrapped the bandages around Kamina's forehead.
"Kamina?" Fumiko asked, touching her daughters shoulder. At that moment,The door to her room was slammed open, with Ichi standing at the entrance. Hajime was behind her, trying to pulled her back. Everyone in the room turned to her, including Kamina.
Ichi thrashed and swung at Hajime, trying to get him to free her until she finally did so. Once she was released, with her eyes wide and tears brimming at the edge of her eyes, she ran towards Kamina and gripped her kimono sleeves.  

  "Kamina!" Ichi yelled, tugging on her sleeves as she looked up at her. The long hair and distant look in Kamina's eyes weren't even a concern to Ichi. As for the others, the cautiously tried to pull her off, while Kamina did nothing.
"Where is she?! Where's Ni, Kamina?!" Ichi asked, desperately shaking Kamina by her arms. "Tell me! Where's my sister!" She yelled louder, desperate for a response. "Why can't I find her? Why?!"
The tears brimmed her eyes even more, as her cheeks were red from having run. Her body shook, as her hands tightly gripped Kamina's arms.
The others had confused and questioning looks as they watched, except for Sesshomaru and Hajime- who had joined the others beside Kamina.
Kamina's brows furrowed again. Her eyes brimmed as well, as her lips slightly parted. "I'm sorry... Ichi." She whispered.
Almost immediately, Ichi's eyes widened once more, before they closed tightly. Her grip became more firm as she fell to her knees, clinging to the Kimono fabric. Kamina looked down, her hair creating a veil to hide her eyes as a stray tear traveled down her cheek.
Momochi's eyes widened as she put her hand over her mouth. Instantly, tears rolled down her cheeks, and her shoulders shook just as much as Ichi's as they sobbed. Kirito, feeling just as saddened, Pulled her into a hug, stroking her hair as if everything would be alright. Hajime watched this, seeing the affection. Then, he turned to Kamina, who's tears had multiplied.


Hello, loves! Some of you have contacted me about fan-art.  You've sent me some really amazing stuff! If you would like me to use your art in one of the upcoming chapters, please send it to me in DM or email it to with your name, or username so I can give you credit.  I'd love to see what you guys have created!

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