The Herb Garden

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  It had been such a long day, and Kamina was finally exhausted. After ensuring that her mother arrived safely at her room, Kamina gave her a reassuring smile, and then headed for her own bedroom.
When she slid open the door, Kamina didn't hesitate to walk in with her eyes closed and fall onto the bed. There, she curled into a ball on her side, and hid under the quilts of the bed.
Her cheeks were red from the cold weather outside, and the rest of her skin was a snow white. Her lips were a dark shade of pure pink, and her short black hair parted in loose strands from it's bindings as she laid down. Kamina had a certain grace, and she could be found attractive- even in such a childish pose like now.
Feeling the cold wind blow into her room from the balcony, Kamina sighed and opened her eyes a bit. She lowered the quilt, so it was below her nose as she shivered.
I left the balcony doors open.
She thought to herself. Kamina was so tired, she considered this bothersome. She stood up, wrapping the quilt around her body. In doing so, Kamina rubbed her eyes with a balled fist as she walked out to the balcony.
There, she stood with her sleepy eyes as the cold wind blew again. Snow fell around her, and most of her balcony was now covered in it. Kamina pulled the quilt closer to her until the wind weakened.
Through her halfway-closed eyes, Kamina could see more snow falling. The garden underneath the balcony where she had just been with her mother, was covered in snow as well. And, only one cherry blossom remained on the tree. The lake in the distance had almost completely frozen over as well, by now.
Kamina raised her head slowly, and saw a figure standing on the balcony. It had the outline of a man, but he had his back to her. Kamina tilted her head to the side. The wind blew mockingly, once more, and pulled the mans' hair to the side.
Kamina blinked, and used the back of her hand to rub her eyes. When she opened them again, her sleepy vision cleared. She almost couldn't see him. He seemed so godly-like. As if he was a warrior from the heavens. The white snow which fell around him, blended perfectly. His skin was light, most likely from the cold he had been standing in. His kimono and armor as well, was stained with white snow. His silver hair rested back over his shoulders as the wind slowed.
The man slowly turned partially around, his face blank, as she knew so well. The amber eyes which were his, eyed her from head to toe. His body turned around completely now, and faced her, some snow falling off his shoulders. His hair was blown out of his face, displaying the markings which framed it.
Kamina froze, her hands loosening their grip until she dropped the quilt which was around her body. Her hand slowly moved up, finding it's place over her mouth. She couldn't believe it. She, really, couldn't believe it. IT had almost been over a year since they'd seen eachother. Yet, there wasn't a day she hadn't thought of him.
"Sesshomaru..." Kamina breathed, her voice shaky.
Sesshomaru stayed were he was across from her. He took a deep breath, and then nodded. His eyes weren't cold, like they usually were. They displayed a gleam of something. Kamina tried to pinpoint the emotion, before she realized her own eyes had brimmed with tears. Finally, Sesshomaru nodded.
Seeing her in this state, he took a step closer to her. Kamina stayed where she was. She did not back away, nor come closer. Sesshomaru came closer to her once more. Finally, he used one arm to pull her against his chest. Kamina hid her face against his body, feeling his warmth. Silent tears which brimmed her eyes, now fell down her cheeks, onto his kimono.
"Why are you crying?" Sesshomaru asked, with his hand over her shoulders to hold her there. The other, simply rested at his side. Kamina turned her head to the side, resting her cheek against his chest. After so many years, she never out-grew him. Her hand left her mouth, and clung to his kimono.
"I don't know..." She admitted, smiling a bit. "I just, missed you. So very much."
Sesshomaru listened to her soft voice over her shoulder. He rested his chin above her head as she wrapped her arms around him. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. They weren't shocked. They simply looked ahead. Soon enough, he brought his other arm up, and held it over the back of her head.
They embraced each other for a bit longer. After some time, Kamina's eyes became heavy, as well as her body. She leaned against Sesshomaru's chest. She wasn't able to ask him anything. How he got there. Why he's there. If he was alright. She said nothing, out of fear that it would interrupt this temporary bliss. . She fell asleep, without even knowing if he had missed her as well. Those were the little things to Kamina. Now, she just wanted to be able to hold him. And, to be held like this, after so long.  

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