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-A few years later-

"Get back here Akane!" A boy yelled, chasing after a young girl.  His brow was furrowed angrily as he chased after her, his shoulder length hair blowing against his face in the wind.  "I'm gonna knock that crescent moon right off your forehead!" He continued to hiss at her. 

Akane, the young girl only ran faster, a wide grin spread across her face, as if he hadn't just threatened to rearrange her face.  She laughed, clutching the boy's sheathed katana closer to her chest. "You would have to catch me first, Riku!" 

Riku used his frustration to push his legs even further until his finger tips could graze her silver hair.  Before he had a chance to grip her locks, Akane felt the tip of her foot snag against something on the ground and she went tumbling forward. The katana flew out of her hands, and as she plummeted onto the ground, Riku's body soon followed, colliding into hers.  The two of them became a tangled mess, rolling a few feet before coming to a stop.  They stopped, laid on their backs, their limbs sprawled out as they panted from the run. 

"You're insane.  Absolutely mad. " Riku panted, like a fish gulping for air. 

Akane laughed, turning her face to him, as she blew her silver bangs out of her eyes. "Sweet revenge for yesterday.  I ruined my best kimono when you pushed me into the mud.  " 

A crooked smile lit up Riku's face as he propped himself onto his elbow.  Akane followed, sitting up beside him, pulling a leaf out of her hair.  "It's what you deserved for shoving me off Haruko's horse!" he explained, flicking the crescent moon on the center of her forehead.  Akane winced and rubbed the soar spot. 

 "Honestly, I can't wait for you two to grow up." Haruko's voice cut over Akane's whines as he jogged towards them.  Riku and Akane both turned to him.  He was wearing his training uniform today, although he had let his hair down.  It fell like a curtain over his shoulders as he bent down to pick up Riku's katana before standing in front of them. Haruko tucked the silver strand behind his ear before raising a brow at them.  

Riku and Akane both stood, dusting the dirt and grass off their clothes. "He started it.  Our war goes back years." Akane explained calmly.  Riku rolled his eyes. 

"Just because you're the queen's daughter-" The teasing sentence didn't even escape Riku's before Akane thumped the side of his head. He winced, rubbing it.  

This time, it was Haruko who rolled his eyes. "Akane, as your unbelievably handsome, wise uncle, I must advise.  Behave like a lady. " Haruko handed Riku back his katana before pulling another leaf out of Akane's hair.  "Like honestly, you're worse than the new recruits. " 

Akane, standing almost a solid foot shorter than Haruko, stuck her tongue out at him.  Riku, standing almost just as tall as Haruko, leaned his elbow against her shoulder, pointing at her lazily with his index finger.  "She's hopeless, I tell you. " 

The conversation continued like this for a while after until Haruko started to walk them back towards the palace grounds. He and Riku teased Akane about her appearance, and her lack of lady-like composure, and compared her to some of the maids they walked past.  

Haruko, who attracted all of the maid's attention just by breathing, was dashingly handsome.  He had his father's  broad shoulders, and crimson eyes.  In contrast, he also had Fumiko's black hair and facial features. The unique lock of silver in the front of his hair delicately framed his face whenever it slipped out from behind his ear. 

 Akane looked at him and then at Riku.  Even though Haruko was about 6 years older than them, having just turned 21, Riku was equally as handsome.  He almost reached Haruko's staggering height.  Much like Hajime, his father, he had the same frame and black hair, which he wore up.  However, Riku held his mother's kind violet eyes.  Similar to Haruko who looked like his mother and sister, Riku looked like his mother, Momochi. 

And then there was Akane.  By the maids pitiful glances, she could only assume how she looked between the two men.   It wasn't necessarily that Akane wasn't beautiful.  She was the daughter of Kamina and Sesshomaru, after all.  Akane had her father's surprisingly silver hair, going to about her waist.  She was born with the same moon on her forehead as his.  If it weren't for her having her mother's deep black eyes, she would be the spitting image of her father.   Akane's beauty matched that of her mother's.  But Haruko was right.  She was a mess. Unlike the other ladies in the palace, Akane preferred roughhousing to fancy parties. She played alongside the boys, constantly challenging them.  

As the three of them entered the courtyard, their parents faces looked at them.  Momochi blanched when she saw how messy Riku and Akane had become.  As she walked towards them, bickering, Haruko casually slipped away, joining Toushi who was shooting arrows at a nearby tree. 

Kamina sighed hopelessly.  "Sesshomaru, please tame the wild creature that is our daughter. " She breathed hopelessly walking towards the pair with Sesshomaru.  Sesshomaru chuckled.  "She's just like you were at that age. Constantly rolling around in dirt. " He chuckled, getting a thrill out of the look his wife shot him.  Akane smiled nervously. "I'm sorry mother, I'll clean up before dinner. " 

Riku chuckled as Kamina plucked grass off Akane's shoulder.  "Don't think you're getting out of this as easily. " Hajime's voice cut in as he walked into the courtyard.  Beside him, Kirito was handed a cup of tea from one of the starry-eyed maids.  Hajime wore his general's uniform as he walked towards his son.  "Stealing a katana from the armory. And running around with the princess-" he was pulling Riku's ear as he spoke.  Momochi and Kamina sighed hopeless. "Just go clean up. " 

Haruko shook his head. " I hate to say I told you so but...." 

Riku and Akane both glared daggers at them before leaving to clean up. 

Momochi sat once more where her and Kamina were having tea.  Kamina joined her as the men gathered to talk.  "They've grown" Momochi spoke, watching Riku and Akane until they were out of sight. 

Kamina raised her cup of hot tea to her lips.  " They're fifteen years of age now.  Soon enough, Akane will be under Haruko's wing, preparing for the throne. And Riku... well, what has my nephew decided?"

Momochi turned back to Kamina, pouring some more tea for them both.  "Riku has spoken about following in Hajime's footsteps. Maybe he will begin training under Haruko or Kirito soon. "  She sipped her tea.  " He loves Akane too much to take a path that would lead him away from her.  " 

Kamina nodded in understanding.  After Sesshomaru's proposal, which seemed so long ago now, Kamina had found out she was pregnant.  Momochi had birthed Riku a few months later, and Kamina soon followed, delivering Akane.  Since birth, they were practically inseparable.  The two of them reminded Momochi of Ichi and Ni when they were children.  How they cared and teased each other.  Her chest tightened at the memory .  Ichi had become a talented seamstress over the last few years.  She was a woman now, known throughout the land for her beautiful kimono's.  She and Toushi acquired a home in the village, where she was able to set up a shop as well, displaying her kimono's.  After they married, Ichi and Toushi were blessed with their daughter Nera.  She was the spitting image of Ichi and Ni.  Uniquely so, her left eye was emerald, like her mother's.  Her right eye was the golden hazel of her fathers.  Ichi was happy, although she remembered Ni every day. 

Kamina saw a lot of her and Sesshomaru in the young pair as well.  As much as she hated to admit it, Sesshomaru was right.  Akane was a lot like her when she was that age.  She constantly teased and challenged Sesshomaru as well.  Akane's drive was no different.  She only hoped that the two of them would never have to face the pain she had growing up. 

Kamina set down her cup as her brother walked towards her. He sat, leaning his arm against her as Momochi poured him some tea. It seemed as though Toushi had headed home to his family as well.  Kamina was glad Momochi had him.  He cared deeply for her, and had stood by her side in constant company after Ni's death. 

Hajime and Sesshomaru chuckled about some inside joke the two had before walking towards the tea table.  Kamina watched the pair of odd friends.  

After so much turmoil, and pain, she was in peace.  She was surrounded by her everyone she loved.  She could live a few more centuries not at peace.  Surrounded by love.  And she wished the same for their children.  And for Haruko and Akane's reign. 

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