Honest Times

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Later that night, Momochi left Kamina to check on the people from her village. Kamina agreed that Momochi should spend some time with them all, while she made preparations to get them homes outside of the palace. Therefore, as Momochi left for the servants quarters, Kamina walked on her own. She left the herb garden, after not finding the doctor. from what she'd heard, he was very sick form old age. Kamina sent him her regards, and left the nurses alone. She walked outside, to find that the weather had yet again gotten colder. Snow was falling once more, and had covered all of the grass. The lake in the distance had been kissed by winter as well, and was now taken over by ice. Kamina took notice of this as she made it out to the halls. Standing under the firelight of the torches, she looked around at the snow. With a sigh, she then turned and proceeded to see her parents. After traveling to the other side of the palace, she came to the King's Room, where her father was usually at. It was a place for him to have meetings with other important individuals, as well as his office. Kamina hadn't been there still, but she remembered what the interior was like, from when Lord Inutaisho had visited all those years ago. Before entering the room, Kamina stopped right outside the door. She set her palm on the wood of the sliding doors, and hey eyes glazed over with memories. Lord Inutaisho, how long has it been since his death now? Not like that would matter now, seeing as how Kamina would always remember him. He was the one who posed as her father figure. Because of him, she found the comfort she couldn't find in her father because of his wife. And because of Inutaisho, she was able to stay with Sesshomaru. Thinking about it all now, like this, Kamina realized how it all really started. IT had started with Inutaisho. If it hadn't been for him visiting Cai, Kamina would have never met Sesshomaru again. She wouldn't have had the courage to battle sien. She wouldn't have raised Inuyasha, or reunited with her parents Most importantly, meeting Lord Inutaisho, was what led them throughtout Kamina's life story. The curse, and those most important to her, all started on that day. Kamina smiled at the thought, before sliding the doors open. Inside, her father was sitting behind a low table on the ground, using a brush to write on parchments. Beside him, by the window, was Fumiko. She was sitting on a large cushion on the floor as well, wearing her layers of kimono. Cai's outer kimono, which was usually the golden hemmed one with the dragon in the form of an 'S', was resting over her shoulder for extra warmth. She wasn't exactly doing anything, simply sipping from a small cup as she gazed out the window. When Kamina opened the door, the two of them both looked up. Kamina slid her hand off the door, and sighed, walking over to her mother. " It's freezing cold outside, you are going to get sick." she scolded her, closing the window. Fumiko chuckled and drank her hot tea. Kamina looked at her, but dismissed her questions and walked over to her father. She stood in front of his desk, before sitting on her knees and placing her hands above her lap. " I was told Sesshomaru arrived last night." He said, somewhat amused with a smirk, as he set down his brush. Kamina cleared her throat. "Well yes..." Cai couldn't help but let out a chuckle as well, before looking up. "What is troubleing you, then?" Kamina sat up and nodded. She raised her arm and reached into her kimono sleeve from which she pulled out a short scroll. Fumiko and Cai both furrowed their brows and eyed the scroll as she set it in front of Cai on his desk. " What is this?" Cai asked, before opening the scroll. Kamina looked up at him. "The princess has the right to have two guards of her choice when she is of age. This is what was written when I was born, correct?" She asked. She looked to Cai and Fumiko for clarification, and they each nodded. " After I arrived at this castle, I chose my two guards from your frontal group. They were a bit rough around the edges, but were the best ones I could find." Kamina continued. Cai nodded, trying to keep up with her explanation. " That's great, Kamina." He smiled. He then looked at the scroll, where the bio's of two soldiers were written very descriptively. Kamina's stamp was at the end with her permission to assign them that position. "However." Kamina said. On her lap, her hand curled into a fist as she spoke. Fumiko blinked, but didn't speak. "Right after their positions were raised, a crime was commited against the princess. The eldest soldier, which is named in that Permission, was murdered." Cai looked up at her, setting the scroll down. "That's a direct law offence. Do you know who did it?" Kamina nodded once again. "Yes." Fumiko spoke up then, setting her cup down. "If someone murdered the princess's guard, not only is it a violation of law, but can also be taken as a direct threat towards the princess. Something like that is repayed with a greater punishment. " Again, Kamina nodded. "Yes. This is why, I want your direct order to arrest those who had anything to do with the murder, my King. " Cai looked up at her, before slowly nodded. "I won't hesitate to grant it. We will have them arrested, and imprisoned until trial." Kamina thanked him. She stood then. "I have one more request, however. " she spoke. Cai gestured for her to continue as Fumiko watched. " With the protection of my guards, I will arrest them, myself."

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