The Crying Sky

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   It was later on the day, that the sleeping twins within Kamina's room awakened. Rubbing their tired eyes with the back of their hands, the two of them stood up, and exited the room. Confused on why Kamina was no longer outside, though her scent was still fresh, Ichi and Ni walked down the halls.
As Ni took her time, taking in the beauty within the palace walls, Ichi skipped off the halls, and onto the stone and grass ground, which was still covered in snow. Ni's light lips spread into a smile, as she watched her carefree older sister skip around. It was when a single snowflake fell from the sky, that Ichi stopped moving. She turned her head up to the sky, fumbled.
The snow no longer had the elegant white color, accompanied with it's cold touch. No, now, the skies had darkened as if a heavy storm was about to trail in. "Ichi" Ni spoke, with slightly furrowed brows. Ichi turned to her younger sister, pulling her attention away from the sky. "We should tell Momochi it's about to rain. She'd want to get the village people inside."
Ichi blinked, realizing her sister had a point. Looking at the sky once more, Ichi ignored her thoughts and leaped onto the halls. "Okay!" she smiled, holding up a finger. "I'll tell Momochi. You wait in Kami's room for me, kay?" Before Ni could say anything against the two of them being in Kamina's room, Ichi was already off. Therefore, with a short sigh, Ni turned to the open area her sister had just been running in. It was a distance's off from Kamina's garden, but was separated into two by a small stream which trailed from the lake. A small, red bridge let you travel to and from the two halves of the clearing.
Ni blinked, feeling something odd within the air. Slowly, she lowered one leg onto the snow-covered ground. The wind blew, sending a chill down Ni's back as her hair was blown over her face. Recovering from the sudden wind, Ni used her hand to pull her hair back as she walked forward.
She eyed the traveling stream, cautious, in case there was something within. Ni didn't understand why, but something wasn't right here. Seeing as how there was nothing in the stream, she tried to brush it off. Ni inhaled a long breath, and exhaled again, trying to calm herself. She looked to the side, to find the vacant bridge over the stream. Raising her kimono skirts, Ni made her way towards the wooden bridge, stopping at it's enter. Under her, the stream had already frozen over, and snow covered the sides of the bridge.
As Ni stood there, the same feeling returned. Strong winds piked up, seeming to make her their target. Ni looked around, knowing well enough, this didn't seem natural. Her kimono slapped against her body, snow picked up from the ground, and her red hair whipped her face. Ni rose her hands to her face when the wind was too much, as fear ran over her body.
She wanted to cry out, to run to Ichi. She wanted to reach her hand out and call for Kirito, or Kamina. But just as she was about to, everything stopped.
Ni slowly lowered her hands, and opened her emerald colored eyes. Her cherry red hair returned to it's natural form over her shoulders. Taking deep, scared breaths, Ni looked around. Everything was intact. Not the single clue of life in sight. In the same slow pace, Ni looked down at the frozen stream. Maybe, it was all in her mind? Her chest rose and fell rapidly as the fear preceded to leave her body.
She didn't understand, but continued to focus her mind on that eerie feeling which hung in the air. The temperature suddenly dropped around her, and Ni blinked, turning her head up at the sky. From the darkened-over sky
Adding to Ni's confusion, the grey skies began to cry black hail. The snow left the clouds, and traveled down to Ni's body. Their darkness seeming almost unreal, in a mist-like way. Ni blinked, her emeralds following the black dots. Before she knew it, her hand reached out on it's own, and captured the black snow on her palm.
Ni's eyes traveled to her hand, inspecting the black snow. It had no cold touch.... Instead, the hail turned into mist, and entered her skin.
This was when everything came back to Ni. The pain entered her body, forcing her onto the ground. Her back arched to rise her chest, as her head was thrown back. She opened her mouth to scream, only to have no sound come back. As more of the black snow covered her body, her eyes reddened over. she could hear a sinister voice in her head, whispering only her 'Mother's' name. A stray tear rested at the brim of Ni's eyes, before the red, left her eyes, and the pain completely ended.
Ni's body lay there on the ground, as they grey sky no longer cried. Ni stood up, swaying from side to side, before obtaining her balance. She rose a hand, wiping the tear from her eyes. The rosy lips she wore lifted into a smirk as she straightened up. An impure, dark chuckle emanated from her throat, as she let loose a single sentence.  She couldn't move. But the worst torture of all, was that she was conscious through it all.

"Now... Where's my little princess?"

Momochi's P.O.V   -  5 years later  -

 That day, the peace of the palace was disturbed. The evil being which entered Ni's body, right before my eyes, sent his aura all over the kingdom. The darkened emotions and intentions hit everyone, making them fear for the worst.
I believe, that the scariest thing from that day was not the horribly energy itself. Instead, it was witnessing everything as it happened. Witnessing how Ichi desperately searched for her sister as the realization of the darkness set in. How, The patient Momochi was treating passed away in her hands. How Hajime and Sesshomaru both frantically searched the grounds for the woman they cared for, only to find she was no longer there.
You see, she had left Sesshomaru only moments before, to sort things out within her mind. As she stood alone in the garden, The darkness crept behind her in the form of a shadow. The horror paralyzed my body as I saw her. Her dark eyes widening, with realization. Her body, jerking forward as if being challenged- as if being mocked. The way she dashed out with clenched teeth and complete vulnerability.
Vulnerability, similar to the one possessed by the queen. I saw that as well, just before having to see Kamina. The Queen, lovingly stroking her stomach, with hopes to be able to raise this child. I , myself, saw how her peace was shattered into glass. How, The shadow stood before her in anger, making her cower back in fear. Fumiko's hand clasped over her mouth, as a bit of a shriek left her lips. Loss of hope, and faith, washed over her. She could not blames the child growing within her for her weakness. She could only blame herself for not realizing this sooner.
That day, Fumiko experienced a side of Kamina she had hoped to never see. Like many years ago, when Kamina took the life of a woman in front of all her loved ones, the same look in her eyes was there now. The shadow reached a misty hand out, shaping into the form of a man. Evil laughter echoed only within the room as it reached for Fumiko's chest. Having it stop, would mean completely weakening the torn scrolls which held Him in place.
It was when Kamina's hand pierced right through the center of the shadow, that everything stopped. The dark feeling, grey skies, and fear. Her hand outstretched, piercing the shadow perfectly with her claws. Her eyes narrow, as her bangs cast shadows over them. The form dissipated into thin air, letting the peace return to the room. The glint in Kamina's eyes, made even me second-guess her power.
From where I stood, I could tell Fumiko was thinking the same thing. She wasn't even able to speak, before Kamina turned on her heel, and left. As I followed overhead, I was more than sure. Her next target, would be the shrine. She wanted to see how much time she had. But, even if she only had a second, I had complete faith in her.
She is our princess...

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