✶In a Daze✶

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 The Earth beneath me was as still as my breathing. As much as I tried to push forward, my body had been drained of all of its energy. Yet, I had to get to Jenna and Peter. As heavy as the knot in my stomach felt, I pushed aside my emotions for the time being. They needed me.

As my feet somehow found a way to shuffle beneath me, my eyes frantically passed over room numbers until I spotted some doctors talking to Peter who was sitting on a grey, backless, metal bench before them. Jenna, who stood beside them, took occasional glances between both the doctors and Peter. Approaching the scene, I stood beside the bench that Peter was placed on.

"I'm sorry about your friend," said the female doctor to Peter as she pursed her lips together. "Police had checked the scene, checked his cell phone-"

"But he was conscious!" Screamed Jenna from the side of the male doctor. "He had texted me after he crashed! He texted me!" Anger seeped from every single one of her words, rage being spit between her sobs.

The male doctor shook his head, a bit startled from her sudden display of anger. "The police took his phone and are further investigating the situation. We can't confirm anything at this moment."

"But he told me! He had fallen asleep behind the wheel! He had-"

The male doctor intervened the situation as Jenna's chest heaved up and down. "We know that you're upset miss, however, we're not the ones who have to investigate the scene. When we find out any information, we will disclose to Thomas' legal guardian."

Peter made eye contact with the ground. Not once glancing up at me, my heart dropped into my stomach. We were all hurting, aching, mourning over this wonderful friend whom we had loved and cherished. In a single blink of an eye, this miracle of a person had disappeared into a faded, distant memory. Tears dripped their way down my face as this mere thought crossed through my mind.

Footsteps could be heard down the hallway, as everyone's attention was caught by a woman who was dabbing her tears away with a tissue. The doctors exchanged a glance with each other, and they both shot the woman an apologetic look.

"Our apologies Mei," said the male doctor, clasping a hand over her shoulder as she approached the group.

As the woman scanned his face, she struggled to contain her emotions. Her small frame shook as she sobbed, trying to control her breathing. Peter and Jenna exchanged a look of understanding while I stood on the side, a bit confused as to what exactly was happening. Who was she and how did she know Thomas?

This mystery woman looked to be in her mid-thirties, of Asian descent, and she looked to be breaking at the seams. Shooting Jenna a look from the corner of my eye, she went to mouth something but was interrupted by the woman whose attention was now captivated by Peter.

"Peter," she stated in a tone of relief. "Thank you for coming," she said with glossy eyes. Peter got off the bench and tightly embraced her, holding her for a while as her petite frame began to shake. As my eyes took in the sight before me, another wave of confusion hit. How did she know Peter?

"I just never thought he'd go before me," she muffled between her sobs. Unable to contain his emotions, Peter wept along with her. Shuffling my attention to Jenna, tears slipped from her eyes as well. Standing in the midst of it all, depression hit me like a wrecking ball. As if the whole situation had hit me for the first time, my breathing turned into jagged sobs. Jenna made her way over to me and held me tight.

"I just can't believe he's gone!" She wept over my shoulder. "We were supposed to go on our first date tomorrow!" She sniffled.

And then all heavy weeping turned into lighter sobs. As I wiped the fluid running from my eyes, I grabbed both her shoulders and shot her a look. Unable to resist smiling through the pain, I raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what? When did this happen?"

She cracked a light smile and then her facade broke. "But it wouldn't matter now, would it?" Jenna shrugged as she shed tears through a fake smile. Forcefully pulling her into a hug, I felt my best friend's chest heave up and down as if she were gasping for air, gasping for a single thing to hold onto. And it hurt me so deeply, yet there was nothing I could do to fix this. It was all over, there was no way this could ever be reversed.

Jenna was alway the strong one, the one who would crack jokes and smile constantly. Now she was breaking before me, Peter was breaking before me, and I couldn't even begin to tap into my own emotions. Where were we all to go from this? What would become of all of us now that he was gone?

Weaving my hand through Jenna's curly locks, she wept over my shoulder as I stared at Peter. He released the mystery woman from his grasp and took a glance over his shoulder at me. He scanned my face for any sort of expression as I locked his gaze. He looked broken, shattered, vulnerable. Yet, as I scanned his face something deeply startled me. His beautiful green eyes had lost their sparkle, lost their happiness and were replaced by an icy cold film.

His jaw locked in seriousness as he turned away, put his hands in his pockets, and disappeared in the dimness of the hallway.

Please don't lose yourself.....

© Lightning_Stryker 2017

It has been a while haha! So a lot of things happened in this chapter! Who do you think the mystery woman is?

And there was actually something between Jenna and Thomas? OMG! 

Annnnd if you want answers to the above questions, check out my spinoff- Texts from Thomas! It is available exclusively on the Tap (by Wattpad) app and focuses on the texts sent between Thomas and Jenna about a week before this happened. A lot of his backstory is revealed in this short story.

Plus, did I mention it was featured on Tap? It currently has about 780K Taps, and with your help it can maybe reach 1mil!

So if you're interested in seeing the flirty and funny texts they send, the link is at the top of my bio! More info in the next few chapters 

See ya soon!


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