✶A Horrible Mistake✶

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In the dead of the night, all three of us got back in the car and continued our late night voyage back to the hospital. The passenger window began to freeze up from Jack's presence but I could tell that beneath his cold exterior, he was fuming. There were too many events happening at once and I could understand why he was angry at the whole wide world. He came to save his friend and instead he was faced with death, faced with the appearance of a mysterious child, faced with the one problem he came to resolve. And I happened to be that problem.

Taking a peek through my rearview mirror, Peter's long body was awkwardly curled up in the backseat as his chest rose and fell. His legs dangling off the seat, his face snuggled in the warmth of the soft material of the seat. A smile crept its way upon my face as my heart warmed at the sight of him. Even through all the trials we were part of today, Peter still had an innocence that was captured in everything he did- even if it was just sleeping.

Clasping his hands together, I jumped at the sudden sound that Jack had made. He grumbled as he struggled to make out the scenery just outside the frosted passenger window. "So, what now? Where do we go from here?"

A hint of irritation in his voice, he obviously avoided eye contact as I aimlessly drove to our next destination. "Back to the hospital. I have to check on Jenna."

"Jenna?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in the middle of his forehead. "Who's Jenna?"

Looking over my shoulder before I made a turn on the street, I realized the first time Jack and I met was in the kitchen freezer at the hospital. Before that, he didn't have any prior knowledge of the situation or any of the people involved besides Peter and I. Jack had no clue as to who Jenna was. "She's my best friend and Thomas was...she was talking to him. And I want to make sure she's okay after everything that went down. I had to abruptly leave to find Peter and I feel so bad about if I'm being honest. I should've been there for her in her time of need."

"Well you sure have been doing a good job at that, haven't you? You know, at saving the world?" A hurtful sarcasm laced the words he spat out of spite. He meant for them to nip at my conscience, to sting me where it hurt most. And they did.

"Look here. I don't know who the hell you think you are Frost, but I am trying my best. I'm doing what I can. And maybe you don't know how freaking hurtful it is to lose someone you care about, but there's been a lot on my mind and I'm trying to get through it just like everyone else is. So unless you know what it's like to have a friend die, your best friend crushed, and find out that you have a kid all in one night, I would advise you to shut the hell up."

His jaw tensed up in anger, his knuckles turning even paler as his fists tightly clenched. "Well that's exactly my point,' he stated, his volume getting a pinch louder. "How do you find out that Melanie could be yours and just leave her back there like that?!"

Stepping hard on the brake, his head went flying into the headrest which internally gave me a wicked sense of satisfaction. Yet my stomach contorted in anxiousness because if I could do it over and take her with me, I actually would've. But it was too late now and I needed to focus on the facts that there really was no way we could've taken her without there being consequences. You might be able to do that in Neverland, but here on Earth that was a federal offense called kidnapping. And believe me, I hated thinking about the fact that I didn't know who was taking care of her and I despised the fact that I didn't know if they were making sure that all of her needs were tended to. However, you can't just steal a child from their treehouse and I don't think Jack quite understood that.

"Because that would be considered abducting a child, you moron! We could go to jail for doing that."

"But you left her with strangers!"

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