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 Following the walking-talking freezer was probably the worst idea of my entire life. With the cocky vibe he was carrying on his shoulder and his sudden dislike for me, my brain should have put two and two together. This supernatural being of a boy was going to be nothing but a thorn in my side. Only seeming to prove my theory right, he wasted a whole five minutes of my time by leading me to the main exit of the hospital. Nearly buckling over in irritation, I was five seconds away from throwing a fit of rage. What in the world was he thinking?

"Of all of the things going on, you lead me to the freaking entrance! Peter could be anywhere by-"

"Listen, listen," he said, putting his hands before him in defense. His shoulders seemed to tense up almost as much as his jawline did. His lean arms were hidden beneath the exterior of his blue hoodie, but firmly stayed held in place."Do you have a way of transportation?" He asked, his pale irises attempting to decipher my annoyed expression. As realization struck his little pea brain, he now knew that I was nowhere near amused at the moment. The platinum blonde, perfectly shaped eyebrows that were plastered on his face began to furrow. A slight crease made its way through his forehead as his expression seemed to intensify.

"Do you-" he started in a deep, masculine voice.

"Yes, yes, I do! But why does it matter? He can't fly anymore anyway! He has no choice but to be somewhere close." My words dripping in irritation, the atmosphere between us grew tense. I was unsure of what kind of logic he was using to make his decisions because they seemed highly unrational at the moment.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he cocked his head to the side and shot me a cold glare. "You know absolutely nothing about teenage boys, do you?"

"What do you-"

He lifted his hand to his head and squeezed his eyes together. "Please, can you just cooperate for once? I know what I'm talking about, if you would just listen-"

And by then, he managed to get me to my maximum point of irritation. I was absolutely done with his sour attitude and the bossiness that this random stranger thought he could implement upon me. So with that said, it was better off if I searched for Peter on my own.

Darting out of the hospital, my skin felt like it was pricked by a thousand needles at the extreme drop of temperature. Huddling my arms around my core, the microscopic hairs on my body stood up. It was the middle of the summer, there was no reason for it to be this cold- even if it was nighttime.

"Ohmypixie dust, it's so-"

"Cold," he ended in the most unamused tone of voice. His shoes taking heavy steps over toward my place of being, he decided to stand right beside me as if he purposely wanted to irk my nerves. "Of course it is. But if I'm not mistaken, I believe the the interior of cars tend to hold heat. So maybe you should find yours," he said with a stupidly annoying grin that made me want to slap it off of his face.

And as those words spewed so casually from his mouth, I finally realized exactly who this supernatural Iceman was. "Ohmygoodness, you're the one doing this! You're Jack Fr-"

Lifting a slender, pale finger to his lips, he made a shushing noise. His pale irises were as wide as the shining blue ocean as a sense of fear creeped through his expression.

"Boy, don't shush me!"

"Will you please just go to your car?" He demanded more than asked. Shooting him a dirty look, he smirked as I huffed and began to go on my way. If it were any other circumstance, he would have gotten told off. Today he just happened to get lucky because I had another boy to find and I wasn't going to let his stupidity get in the way of that.

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