✶Treehouse Magic✶

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 As his muscular arms wrapped around my small frame, Peter struggled to get his emotions back to a state of composure. Reassuringly rubbing circles on his back, he took a step back and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. A glossy film covering his green irises, they acted as a mirror to his soul. All that was reflected back were images of pain and sorrow, much of it for the loss of his dear friend and some of it for the loss of his state of peace. Cupping my face in a loving manner, he shot me a slightly crooked smile through his tears. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to break down like that."

Taking a peek over his shoulder at Jack, Peter questioningly shot me a glance. Turning his head in the direction I was gazing, his eyes widened at the sight of his old friend.

"Frost? Were you here-"

Nodding and putting up a hand, Jack cut him off. "I've been here since she got here. Just didn't want to interrupt," he said as he scrunched his nose up in a disgusted manner.

In a matter of mere seconds, Peter's expression morphed from a depressed state to happy puppy. Dashing over to Jack, Peter's emerald eyes widened. "Did you hear everything?"

Letting out a soft chuckle, all Jack could do was laugh. "Yes, Peter. It's good to see you too old friend."

"Remember the old handshake we had?" Peter asked, sticking out a hand to him. As if Peter was some sort of disease, Jack quickly backed away from his gesture. Positioning himself against the wall, Jack put his own two hands out in front of him in defense.

"No offense chap, but I'm not here on the best of circumstances and well....you're human now," he stated, eyeing Peter carefully as he spit those words out. Approaching the two boys, I noticed that hurt quickly flashed within Peter's eyes. As Peter stared at his two palms for a minute, he held them stiffly to the side.

"Sorry...I forgot about that. Sometimes I seem to forget that my powers are gone too," Peter mumbled. "I assume that means you're only here on Neverland duties."

Putting a hand through his snow white hair, Jack nodded. "I'm pretty sure it had to be drastic measures to send me. This place is a danger zone for me."

Glaring darts into Jack, he tilted his head in confusion. I understand that he was here to protect Peter, but did he really have to remind him that he lost his powers? Didn't Jack just see him break down? And he couldn't give him a darn handshake because Peter no longer had them? Trying to mask my disgust was now pointless, as he noticed my expression.

"Everything alright Laney?" He questioned in a demanding tone.

"Actually no, it's not. Are you seriously that arrogant that you can't give him a freaking handshake? You just had to go remind him that-"

"Laney," Peter intervened, sending me a serious expression. His eyes said 'Stop while you're at it'.

Jack avoided eye contact as he toyed with a string on his hoodie. "If I could, I would. Trust me."

Peter shifted uncomfortably, "Jack, you don't have to if you don't want to. It's my fault. I'm the one who forgot."

Standing up, Jack brushed the nonexistent dust off of his pants. As his ice blue eyes locked with mine, a sense of vulnerability danced within his beautiful irises. "I cannot make any sort of physical contact with humans. This means, I can't make skin to skin contact- hence why I couldn't shake his hand. Is that good enough of an excuse for you?"

A sudden feeling of guilt crept its way into my stomach and spiraled all the way to the lump in my throat. "Oh. I'm so sorry Jack. I didn't know-"

He shrugged as his gaze roamed the toy-filled floor. "Of course you didn't. It's not your fault I'm cursed...," he angrily muttered beneath his breath. Cocking an eyebrow at him, Peter quickly squeezed my palm- a sign to stop pushing Jack to spill any more information. As much as I wanted to know exactly what Jack meant, I refrained myself for Peter's sake.

The loud sound of a nearby door closing made us all snap out of our current emotions and into an automatic state of fear. All three of us exchanged wide-eyed glances because we all knew what this meant for us. Our cover was going to be blown soon. Someone was home.

Facepalming himself, Jack shook his head. "Figures."

Glancing between the two of them, my heart began to rapidly punch against the inside of my chest. "How are we going to explain this? We are in a child's treehouse! Do you know what we're going to look like on the news? Oh goodness, what should we do now?"

Jack folded his arms across his chest. "How should I know?"

"You're the one who has powers!"

"Trust me, if I had invisibility I would use it. I control ice, Laney. I can't do anything with that! What am I supposed to do?"

"Something, just do something!"

Turning his back to me, I noticed that Jack's annoyed expression morphed into one of confusion within just a few seconds. Averting his attention from me to my boyfriend, he raised a brow. "Do you feel that?"

"What?" Asked Peter, his forehead scrunching up in concern. "I don't feel anything."

Moving to the entrance of the treehouse, Jack peeked his head out. "I'm sensing some powers here and they're very, very strong ones. It's not you is it?" Jack asked, looking back at Peter.

Peter shrugged. "I guess I'll try to fly..."

Squeezing his eyes tight and his fists even tighter, Peter focused all of his energy into flying until he let out an angry grunt. Letting out a deep sigh, his face morphed into an expression of disappointment. "It's definitely not me. I should've known better. They wouldn't let me off so easy..."

A slight look of sorrow flashed upon Jack's perfectly chiseled face. "Sorry...."

"Well it's definitely not me," I stated.


"Then what could it be from?"

Jack's jaw tightened up so much that it could pretty much cut through diamonds. "Another person I would suppose. But how would someone else from Neverland get here?"

Peter looked at Jack as if he were crazy. "No one else came down when you did?"

"No. I don't know who this person is or what they're capable of. Which means that we need to go. Now," Demanded Jack. As his eyes scanned outside, he sucked in a large amount of air as he took swift steps backward. "Nevermind. This does not look good. Whoever has that power is too close. We're going to be caught," said Jack. His palms began to shake in a nervous manner, his eyes never leaving the entrance of the treehouse.

"This being is too powerful. I don't mean to be glum....but you may want to brace yourself. We may never see the sun shine again."

© Lightning_Stryker 2017

Any theories? Hehe ^-^ (If someone gets this right, I will be really impressed XD)

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