Conflicts and Resolutions

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A/N: I'm not quite sure if anyone noticed, but the chapter titles all have been contrasts to each other/sorta hint on the story plot. I will say that all is deliberate and pretty important, especially in last chapter as it foreshadowed quite a lot ;)

I also ended up splitting this and just a warning, I'll do my best with the next part, but the next month will be quite busy with my semester concluding and other real life responsibilities. I may not be able to update or post anything quite often, but I have a lot in the process of being written and another Jadine story outlined (at 27 chapters) that I hope to start writing and releasing next month.


Nadine paced back and forth, the only sound in the room coming from the grandfather clock--as rusty as it was--in her living room.

The test was supposed to end around 11 A.M. She expected to add another hour due to the commute time and she knew Kath was going to briefly go exploring. However, she did not expect it would take as long as it had.

It was close to 6 P.M. and while Kath was  M.I.A, Nadine's imagination was anything but tame.

She began to consider the worse situations and worried Kath got robbed or abducted, and potentially even killed. Gritting her teeth together, Nadine walked to her couch and fell back onto it, her head buried in her hands as she tried to calm her thoughts.

She's alive. Nothing happened to her. Your body is fine. She'll be back. She's just running late , Nadine chanted to herself.

Kath was potentially already dead so it wasn't as if she could re-die. However, if her body obtained any physical damage...Nadine could very well join her--a possibility that plagued Nadine's current thoughts.

She was not ready to die yet, especially for school (as dedicated as she was) since the situation stemmed from her wanting to pass Calculus.

It was then that the doorbell rang and Nadine breathed a sigh of relief as she saw her eye from behind the stain glass door window design.

Running to the door, Nadine immediately opened it and pointed at the clock. "Where have you been?! Do you see the--"

Her eyes immediately widened at the sight in front of her, prompting her to back away and consequently nearly fall back in utter shock.

Kath..or rather herself, had waved hair and a full face of make-up that she could never recall having ever worn so much of. She wore a pink sundress that hung off her shoulders and had dainty, brown leather shoes with flowers on the sides. Even her headband was quite festive with a bow dangling on that also matched the outfit theme.

A theme that she was not used to seeing nor quite fond of.

It was only then that Nadine realized what potentially had taken her so long. Rolling her eyes, she immediately tugged Kath by the sleeve and slammed the door closed

Kath gasped at the unpredicted move and Nadine abruptly let go and glared. "What the fuck did you do to me?!? she demanded as her eyes scanned through the outfit once more. "I look like a fucking..."

"...princess?" Kath interrupted as she let out a nervous smile. Nadine frowned in response and Kath opened her mouth to continue speaking. "I's different, but it looks good on you! This look really fits you and you should look into more pink in your wardrobe," Kath advised.

"Princess?!" Nadine repeated in disbelief. "More like someone from the 60s church choir! Where the hell did you even go?! You come back so late and even worse, you come back...dressing like that..."

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