Old and New Friends

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Kath was beginning to lose track of how many times they've switched by now. 

It was only supposed to happen once, and then it happened again, and again and...well, she couldn't quite do the math in her head anymore, but she wondered how many more times they would switch until she can figure out what exactly is up with her.

Though one bright spot had to be Nadine disliking her less and even trusting her with the switching. Compared to their first encounter, the two have grown quite a lot. And Kath had learned a lot about her.

While many questions still remained, she was happy in the way they've been progressing. She wasn't sure how long she had or even how she'll get back to wherever she belongs, but them being civil was comforting.

Kath sighed as she took a seat in the classroom. 

Once again, she was in Nadine's body for the Calculus discussion--which she had no problem at all with sitting through. 

With all that happened from that incident, Nadine needed the break. And Kath could tell she had a lot to really consider. 

And she prayed that in time, Nadine would know the answer--though she also wished she could help relieve the stress. 

"Hopefully before I go, she'll be okay. She'll have it all figured out," Kath mumbled to herself as she tied her hair up into a ponytail.

As she quietly hummed, she took out her notebook and pen to write notes. She flipped to a new page and put down the date before crossing her feet and folding her hands in anticipation for class to start.

"I heard Audra isn't going to be here today," A student in front of Kath commented.

"So is class cancelled?"

The first student shook his head. "No, Daniel is filling in."

Kath cocked her head to the side at the mention. "Daniel?" she whispered to herself.

"He's the hot teacher's assistant," A classmate answered. 

"I don't recall seeing him..." Kath said as she pressed her pen against her lips.

"He teaches another section--thank god because if he was our TA, I would not be able to concentrate at all," One girl remarked as she sighed dreamily.

Kath shrugged. Was he that handsome?  As the rest of the class continued to chatter about that "Daniel" character, Kath took out the discussion worksheet and began to check over her answers just to make sure they are correct.

It was then that the door swung open and a man with a black collared shirt, dress pants, and glasses walked in.

"Good morning, class. I'm Daniel and i'll be the teacher assistant today in place of Audra," he greeted.

As he turned to write his contact info on the board, Kath's head perked up.

He looked familiar. Strangely familiar--even if she could only see the back of him.

She squinted her eyes as she tried to recall where exactly she saw him before.

It was in that moment that he turned around and their eyes met. 

His eyes widened whilst Kath's jaw fell to the floor.

"You?!" Both screeched at the same time.

The class gave Kath a confused look, which prompted her to blush as she slowly nestled more into her seat.

No wonder he seemed so familiar--the first day she and Nadine switched, she had bumped into him while looking at the art on the wall.


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