Before the Overlap

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3 years earlier

Nadine tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she looked into the camera once more, focusing her lenses on the sight before her.

A goose was walking with its children across the sidewalk and the backdrop with the colorful leaves and saturated skyline caused it to look particularly pleasing. The temptation was too high and she felt compelled to capture the moment.

"Perfect," she commented with a smirk as her thumb moved over the button. Her other hand slightly fidgeted with the camera stand, ensuring its stability before she began to press down.

Just as she was what about to snap the photo, something green suddenly flew across the air and slammed into the middle of the already wobbling stands.

Her camera unattached and crashed onto the ground and she swore she heard a shattering sound.

But before she could properly react, a man fell back onto her and knocked her to the ground.

"HE--" she yelped.

The man laid on top of her, his arms spread to her sides while his head was between the crook of her neck.

"Get off me," Nadine muttered as she rolled her eyes and shoved him off, prompting him to fall onto his back once more.

"Hey what the--"

"My camera!" Nadine shrieked as she ran to it and saw that it contained cracks.

Falling onto her knees, she desperately picked it up and prayed it was still usable.

She brought it back to her eye and attempted to snap a photo, but it refused to turn on.

"UGH!" she cried out as she picked up the shards. "God, is it that hard to look where you're going?" she complained as she eyed the frisbee laying just two feet away from the site of damage.

"I fell and could've hurt myself yet you're more concerned about a camera, really appreciate that," the man muttered as he got up and walked over to where Nadine was kneeling as she mourned the loss of her camera.

"Excuse me?" You're the one who ran into me and began this whole thing," Nadine reminded as she grinded her upper and bottom set of teeth against each other.

"Accidents happen, that's life," The man responded. "It's just a camera anyways. I could've been hurt from falling on you or you know, being pushed to the ground."

"Oh please, I don't push that hard. Stop acting like a fucking wuss," Nadine said, seething as she glared at him.

He smirked at her. "Says the one upset over a camera."

Nadine immediately got up and grabbed his collar, a move that shocked him as evident in his eyes widening.

"What the fuc--"

"Listen" Nadine began, looking into his eyes. "You're the one who started this, you're the one who fucking knocked me to the ground. Don't you fucking dare try and turn this around. That camera was worth hundreds of dollars and all you have to say is it's just a camera? Fuck your feelings, fuck your slight second of pain. You should be more careful and maybe not play with frisbees by a large amount of people," Nadine motioned her hand towards the background and the boy, though it pained him to ever admit, knew she had a point as many student lounged around the area.

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