What you need:
Bottle or bowl of water-Water
Candle,lit-FireWhat to do:
Take the fan and hold it in your hand.If you feel more connected to it more than the other elements,then this is your element.
Take the rock and hold it in your hand.If you feel more connected to it more than the other elements,then this is your element.
Take the bottle of water,or bowl of water and put you hand in.If you feel more connected to it more than the other elements,then this your element.
Take the candle and hold it in your hand.If you feel more connected to it more than the other elements,then this is your element.
If you don't feel connected to any of the elements,then do research and try to understand more about the elements.After all that,then try it again.If you want to understand more about any element,do research and write the things down and try it again.
If this didn't work then you are not ready for this.After the research,wait for six days and do it again,if it still refuses then do it again.
This spell is mine and my element is air.I wanted it to be earth but I sadly just didn't feel connected to the rock,I felt connected to the fan.
-Jason 💨💨