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SkyeSomerhalder: When you're running late for rehearsal and they keep video calling to see where you are 😜 #TheTonightShow #TootsieRoll #CampWinnipesauke #BestFriendsForeverTagged: @justintimberlake @jimmyfallon @fallontonight 3,423,058

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SkyeSomerhalder: When you're running late for rehearsal and they keep video calling to see where you are 😜 #TheTonightShow #TootsieRoll #CampWinnipesauke #BestFriendsForever
Tagged: @justintimberlake @jimmyfallon @fallontonight

QueenSkye: Oh my god ur gonna b on the show? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

IanSkyeS: Cant wait for this 😊

ilovetimberskye: Haha!!!!!! Their faces 😂

robyn_somerhalder: So excited to see the sketch. Good luck with the singing sis xxx

FallonFans: Winnipesauke is gonna be epic with u 3 lol

ladygaga: We should place bets on how long it takes Jim to say "you're welcome" 😋

FallonTimberlake: Awwww my babies 😍

adamlevine: @SkyeSomerhalder C u all there tomorrow. Can't wait to perform on the show

SkianShippers: OMFG!!!!! Skye, JT, Fallon and Levine all on one show. I know what I'll be watching 2moro 😄

SkyeSomerhalder: @adamlevine It'll b so much fun. Feel like I've not seen u and the guys in 4eva. Cya soon 😊

MrJtWotUGot4Me: Been waiting so long 2 see Skye do a sketch on the show. Sooooo excited

myidolskye: Who's Skye gonna play in the Camp Sketch lol!?

justintimberlake: @SkyeSomerhalder Waiting 4 u is like waiting 4 rain in this drought.

jimmyfallon: @SkyeSomerhalder Useless and disappointing 🙄

SkyeSFandom: Did Jimmy and Justin just quote Cinderella Story? 😂😂😂

BestFriends4Eva: @justintimberlake @jimmyfallon #LEGENDS

TVAddict: This is the funniest thing ever lol! 😋

SkyeSomerhalder: @jimmyfallon @justintimberlake Don't use one of my favourite films against me 😤

skyewelove: Awwww bless her lol!

JustinTime: I don't think I'll ever get over Justin quoting Hilary Duff 😂

justintimberlake: @SkyeSomerhalder Well then where the heck are you Somerhalder?

SkyeSomerhalder: @justintimberlake I'll be there in 5 mins #AnythingIsPossibleIfYouJustBelieve 😜

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