Chapter 1

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Author's Note- Hi people I hope you like this story. Percabeth!!!

Disclaimer- I don't own PJO or HOO

Chapter 1

Percy's POV

I was waiting outside the doors to the ballroom. As eldest prince of Oceania, I was supposed to greet visitors for my brother, Triton's birthday. He was going to be next to me, since it was his 15th birthday, but the servants needed help to organize the ball.

A carriage rolled in. It was hot pink and covered with hearts and swirly designs. Two snowy white horses pulled the carriage. The door opened. A beautiful lady came out. Her features shifted, becoming more beautiful each time. She looked naturally pretty, not a girl who covers her face with makeup to look beautiful.

A girl stepped out. She had choppy brown hair that was braided to the side. Her eyes were like a kaleidoscope, changing from blue to brown to green. She also seemed naturally beautiful, wearing a puffy purple dress, golden bracelets, and a necklace of jewel flowers.

"Hi, I'm Piper." she said.
"I'm Perseus." I told her.
"I am Lady Aphrodite, or Piper's Mother." The lady next to her said.

Now I could see that they were mother and daughter. They were both beautiful and had the same eyes that changed color.

"Welcome." I said.
"It is an honor to be here." Lady Aphrodite told me.

The guards moved aside and opened the doors. Piper and her mother stepped inside.

Soon after, many other carriages came in. They were many different shapes and colors. I greeted every ruler and his/her family that came. So far, 10 carriages came. I needed to greet the 11th ruler. I looked at my pocket watch. It was 6:45, almost time for the ball to start. I turned on my heal to enter, but heard a sound behind me. I turned around.

A carriage was rolling in. It was gray with painted owls on the sides. Gray horses pulled it. A minute later, the door opened. Out stepped a tall, dark-haired woman. She had stormy gray eyes and was wearing a blood red dress. Then another woman stepped out. She was gorgeous. She had honey blond curls and intelligent gray eyes, like her mother. She walked towards me and curtsied.

"Hello, I'm Annabeth Chase."
"Perseus." I bowed and held out a hand.
Her mother walked up behind her.
"I'm Lady Athena. This is my daughter, Annabeth." she said.

The guards opened the door and Annabeth and Lady Athena walked to the ballroom. I followed them. Annabeth's mother was walking quickly in her heals. Annabeth seemed to be having a hard time with them. She tripped. I caught her.

"Thanks." Annabeth replied gratefully.
"No problem, my lady." I said to her.

She smiled. We walked to the ballroom. Now, the grand entrance was pretty long, so I told some jokes to make time go by. They were pretty bad, but, surprisingly, Annabeth laughed at them.

We soon got to the ballroom. She walked over to the appetizers table. I guess she was pretty hungry from the ride. I watched her.

Her blond curls swaying. She was beautiful and kind. I finally realized it. I was in love. With Annabeth Chase.

Annabeth's POV

Mid-Century Romance: A Percy and Annabeth Love Story | Percabeth AU| [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now