Chapter 10

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Yay! Chapter 10 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 ok I'm calm now. I hope you like this one!
Chapter 10
Percy's POV
     Annabeth. Where are you? I waited outside your balcony, and you do not come. I laid in bed thinking these thoughts. Where is she? Annabeth. It was early morning. The sun was still coming up. I got up and went to my balcony.
    The sunrise was beautiful. Since we're in Oceania, we were close to the water. I thought of Annabeth. Her long honey blond hair. Her sparkling gray eyes. And beautiful smile. Why did you leave, Annabeth? Why?
    I felt a tear trace my cheek. Annabeth. I found a tissue to wipe my crying eyes. You were the only one I loved, Annabeth. I heard a knock on the door.
"Your highness. Your father requests your presence." the maid called.
    I opened the door and rushed downstairs. Only a little while ago had Mercury declared war on Oceania. As one of the best fighters, Dad expected me to help lead an army.
"Percy. You will lead Army B. Take them around the back." Dad said.
"Yes, Father." I nodded.
     I ran to the lounge. It wasn't really a fancy type of room. We used it for reading. And hanging out. I sat in one of the chairs. I didn't want to lead this army. We'd be fighting for no good reason. Annabeth's gone.
     Without Annabeth, what would I be fighting for. She was the one thing I enjoyed about staying up all night. I loved her more than anything, now she's gone.
      Father wouldn't understand. Neither would Triton or Tyson. Then the door creaked open. My stepmother, Amphitrite, was standing there. She always told me to call her mom.
"Percy, are you alright. You seemed very depressed." she asked.
"It's nothing, Mother."
"Nothing is never nothing. Something's bothering you. And I know it has to do with that daughter of Athena."
    I told her everything. Even about Annabeth being gone.
"Percy, I'm sorry. Annabeth didn't mean to hurt you. It just happened."
    She took me into her arms for a hug. I finally knew how a mother treats her son. With love and compassion.
"Would you like to stay here for a little while? I can make up some excuse for your father and brothers."
     I nodded.
"Everything will be okay, Percy. Don't forget to come to lunch."
    She stepped out and closed the door. Tears flowed from my eyes. Annabeth was gone. I should talk to someone. Jason, he could help me.
     I ran from the palace to the kingdom of Zeus. Or Jupiter. He's been called both ways. I knocked on the door.
"Jason!" I shouted.
"Who is it?" A voice asked.
"Oh, hey Perce. Come on in."
     I walked inside.
"So Perce. What happened this time?"
     I got nervous.
"What do you mean by, this time?" I asked.
"You never come to my place unless something's wrong."
     I told him the whole story. Jason was basically my diary. I was his.
"I met this girl, Annabeth, during Triton's party. So we talked and danced. I fell in love and-"
"You're in love?"
"Yes, let me finish. So, I saw her a the trading fair and met with her every night in the gardens. So now she's gone and I don't know what to do. My parents also engaged me to Rachel."
"Ok, my story's more or less the same. I met a princess named Piper." he eyes turned lovey-dovey, "so I fell in love and have no idea how to tell her I like her. She's Aphrodite's daughter and I had to marry one of her older sisters, Drew."
"That's rough."
"Yours sounds worse."
    I thought for a moment. I should take Jason to go see Piper. She would surely like him back.
"Why not go see her?" I asked.
"B-but....I wouldn't know what to do!"
"It will come naturally. Use some weird cheesy pick up lines."
"I don't know any good ones."
"Well, we're going."
    I couldn't let their love story fail like mine. The least I could do was help my cousin marry his love. Jason and I saddled up horses and left for the kingdom of Venus.
Sooooo.......what do ya think? Leave some comments and point out some grammar mistakes I made.... cause you're all my friends! See you next time.

Mid-Century Romance: A Percy and Annabeth Love Story | Percabeth AU| [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now